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The October Surprise


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Man you LIB's really get upset if someone speaks the truth about Obama, the return of your messiah. There are a lot of similarities with the rise in power of a certain German in the early 1900's. Scary

Libs???? Messiah???? and now mentions of Hitler????? F me....words of idiotic desperation. It is easily led idiots that keep posting this sort of drivel that are costing McCain ANY chance, just check the polls...I seriously think he would be doing better if blind brainwashed worshippers were not so intent on badmouth mudslinging, the effect of which has been the exact opposite of its premise. Initially if I could vote I would probably voted McCain....but due to the strength of his campaign being based on basically trying to dis credit his opponent and being baraged with slanderous crap about Obama I would be tempted to change my mind....as it seems a LOT of un-decideds are ALOS doing..,.so please keep it up.....

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"We are witnessing the end of Rovian politics," Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. And YouTube, which Google bought in 2006 for $1.65 billion, is one of the causes of its demise.


Thanks to YouTube -- and blogging and instant fact-checking and viral emails -- it is getting harder and harder to get away with repeating brazen lies without paying a price, or to run under-the-radar smear campaigns without being exposed.


But the McCain campaign hasn't gotten the message even with Republicans leaving in droves, hence the blizzard of racist, alarmist, xenophobic, innuendo-laden accusations being splattered at Obama.


And it seems that the worse McCain is doing in the polls, the more his team is relying on the same gutter tactics. Last night I actually saw, for the first time since this whole thing started, a good positive McCain ad on TV. It didn't even mention Obama once and although it didn't include any specifics -- at least it was a positive ad. Now the question is whether over the next 13 days we shall see more of that or look for the McCain campaign to become even uglier.



McCain has stockpiled his campaign with Rove henchmen, including not one but three of the people responsible for the political mugging inflicted on him in 2000. Unfortunately for McCain, you reap what you sow and if Rovian politics is your only strategy -- there's a BIG problem -- Rovian politics isn't working.



Here is a quick question for you: What year was it when the GOP last won an election for Pres/VP -- without a Bush or a Nixon -- on the ticket?

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Libs???? Messiah???? and now mentions of Hitler????? F me....words of idiotic desperation. It is easily led idiots that keep posting this sort of drivel that are costing McCain ANY chance, just check the polls...I seriously think he would be doing better if blind brainwashed worshippers were not so intent on badmouth mudslinging, the effect of which has been the exact opposite of its premise. Initially if I could vote I would probably voted McCain....but due to the strength of his campaign being based on basically trying to dis credit his opponent and being baraged with slanderous crap about Obama I would be tempted to change my mind....as it seems a LOT of un-decideds are ALOS doing..,.so please keep it up.....



McCain is almost as liberal as you. And I don't plan on voting for him. All you have to do is check any number of my previous posts.


This guy beats ‘Barky the puppet’ hands down. James Johnson should be running for president. It is quite obvious that he understands the real problems that face the average American. It is our government under control of the elite families who have ruled for centuries. McCain and Barky are both their puppets. We are moving backward in time to a point where there will be two classes of society. And you and I will be with the have-nots.






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McCain is almost as liberal as you. And I don't plan on voting for him. All you have to do is check any number of my previous posts.


This guy beats ‘Barky the puppet’ hands down. James Johnson should be running for president. It is quite obvious that he understands the real problems that face the average American. It is our government under control of the elite families who have ruled for centuries. McCain and Barky are both their puppets. We are moving backward in time to a point where there will be two classes of society. And you and I will be with the have-nots.






wowzers....now we have a Rockefella conspiracy being mentioned....

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Dean has posted he's from New Zealand.

and a hopeless idiot apparently...LOL! But at least I don't beleive in Alien abduction and ....BatBoy....Sprinter...a quick question....exactly what are you attempting to acheive by posting all this specualtive presumptive trash?......please, I am REALLY curious....

Edited by Deanh
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and a hopeless idiot apparently...LOL! But at least I don't beleive in Alien abduction and ....BatBoy....Sprinter...a quick question....exactly what are you attempting to acheive by posting all this specualtive presumptive trash?......please, I am REALLY curious....



Speculative? The court will decide


And how many of these match you?


This election cycle has exposed an enormous divide across the country. It's not the divide between black and white; it's not even the divide between liberals and conservatives. It's the divide between elitists and the rest of us.


Elitism is a state of mind. Not everyone in New York and Los Angeles is afflicted by it, and not everyone from Jackson, Miss., is free from it. Elitism is the feeling of superiority enjoyed by certain people based on their income, education and nuanced value system. Elitism carries with it a strong hint of "sophisticated" Europeanism, as well as a large helping of atheistic skepticism.


Worried that you're an elitist? Here's how you can tell if you are.


You're an elitist if you love "Brokeback Mountain," but think that John Wayne movies are jingoistic expressions of outdated American machismo.


You're an elitist if you worry that Sarah Palin hunts moose, but aren't worried that Barack Obama wants to meet personally with dictators.


You're an elitist if you thought Colin Powell was less "authentically black" than Barack Obama until Powell endorsed Obama.


You're an elitist if you think that only bitter people unhappy with their lives cling to the Bible.


You're an elitist if you quote the book of Matthew to justify socialism, cite the book of John to defend Bill Clinton, but write off the book of Romans as "obscure," or deride the Old Testament as a collection of antiquated messages about shellfish and animal sacrifices.


You're an elitist if you think that President Bush is stupid because he says "nucular," while Joe Biden is a genius even though he thinks the word "jobs" has three letters.


You're an elitist if you think Joe the Plumber's income and license status are more important than the question he asked Barack Obama.


You're an elitist if you believe that anyone who supports the standard of a married man and woman raising a child is a bigot.


You're an elitist if you think Bill Ayers is just a professor of English.


You're an elitist if you believe Bill Maher's new movie, "Religulous," accurately depicts religious Christians and Jews.


You're an elitist if you love watching soccer and you're not a recent immigrant.


You're an elitist if you declare that no one's patriotism ought to be challenged – unless they're questioning why they should pay higher taxes.


You're an elitist if you think George Clooney is a great artist.


You're an elitist if you think Sean Penn is a great diplomat.


You're an elitist if you think Madonna is great at anything.


You're an elitist if you think it's unfair to question Barack Obama's association with Jeremiah Wright, or if you think that Obama's association with Wright is akin to his association with Tom Coburn.


You're an elitist if you worship John F. Kennedy.


You're an elitist if you're excited at the prospect of government intervention in the banking system in the aftermath of the sub-prime meltdown.


You're an elitist if you think Nixon/Reagan/Bush was the nation's worst president but Jimmy Carter is the nation's best ex-president.


You're an elitist if you hate Whittaker Chambers but love Arthur Miller.


You're an elitist if you believe Jon Stewart is non-partisan, but Fox News is an outlet for the Republican National Committee.


You're an elitist if you don't mind Sarah Silverman's language but can't stand James Dobson's.


You're an elitist if you worry what the Europeans think of us.


You're an elitist if you think public school teachers are qualified to inform your children about sex, but parents aren't qualified to teach their children basic math.


You're an elitist if you think the government should manage the health care system even though it can't manage to keep the tax code within a 10,000-page limit.


You're an elitist if you think transgenders ought to have their own bathrooms for privacy reasons, but public distribution of pornography is fine.


You're an elitist if you think that pro-life folks are fascists unmotivated by true sympathy for the unborn.


You're an elitist if you know what arugula is but don't know who Jimmie Johnson is.


You're an elitist if your name is Barack Obama. Chances are that you're an elitist if you support him and you aren't being hired by ACORN to do so, too.

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Oh gosh! Another want-to-be American

funny...actually no....I do love this place but retained and did not revoke my New Zealand citizenship...after all, the only apparent "benefits" are Jury duty and the ability to vote......and why would I want to do that?.....I prefer to be openminded...the results of you being able to vote are quite apparent....

Edited by Deanh
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Speculative? The court will decide


And how many of these match you?

My god you stink! About a quarter of those matched me, about three quarters didn't. So what? Is "elitist" the new dirty word to describe people whose policies don't agree with yours? The new catch-all derogatory? Pray tell, has it replaced "liberal"? Funny how people with one brain cell need to have one word to pin all their troubles on (oops - I'm afraid I might be sounding a little elitist). What a crock of shit. I especially liked the one "You're elitist if you care what the Europeans think." I hate to point out the obvious, but you're elitist if you don't give a rat's ass what anybody thinks. That's real elitism. Smug, self-satisfied, bellicose, narcissistic, swaggering, strutting, power-hungry, in-your-face elitism. But they gave you "elitist" to chew on like a dog on a bone. Keeps you from looking at what they're really up to I guess. Well, in a few weeks we'll find out how big your constituency is after 8 years of calamity George:


- Biggest attack on American soil ever (of course, we know that was Clinton's fault*)

- Most botched response to Natural Disaster ever (of course, we know that was Kathleen Blanco's fault*)

- Biggest budget deficit in U.S. history (of course we know that was the liberal Congress's fault*)

- Biggest trade deficit in U.S. history (of course we know that was the liberal unions' fault*)

- Worst assault on the U.S. Constitution with warrantless wiretapping and torture (of course, we know that was the terrorists fault*)

- Most blatant act of treason by outing CIA agents for political reasons - with no consequences (of course, we know that was Joe Wilson's fault*)

- Worst economic crisis since the Great Depression (of course we know that it's all Roosevelt's fault*)


*For the party that makes such a big deal of personal responsibility, I have seen absolutely zero, none, zip, nada accountability from this administration. And of course you see no inconsistency or hypocrisy in this. Brilliant. Good luck with that brain of yours. And your half-baked internet cut-and-pastes.

Edited by retro-man
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And how many of these match you?


Um.... very few of those have anything to do with "elitism" in any possible way. Some are hypocritical, some are partisan differences.


Are you an elitist for saying that educated people should have more influence on government policy than uneducated people? Republicans tend to say yes. Sane people say no.


Are you an elitist for trying to speak intelligently? Republicans say yes. Sane people say no.


Are you an elitist for relying on empirical data? Republicans say yes. Sane people say no.

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Bush deserves to be impeached. But how come the so called 'democratic party' led by Pelosi refuses to 'put it on the table'. That is just one situation that proves the point there is no difference between the democrats and republicans and the real people behind the scenes that control our country. It is purely a charade that the citizens of this country believe they have a real choice. Just look at the recent 700 billion dollar bailout. Did congress vote with the majority of its constituency?


Am I angry? Sure. I see useful idiots extolling the virtues of either our 'bought and paid for' candidates. Especially Obama. The man has zero experience and even admitted in the youtube interview I posted. Four years later has not changed anything. From what I see most people really don't have a clue of what is going on this government. They have a feeling something is not right but will not spend the time to research how these events are all interrelated and how the same players control the events. These are the players you call 'experienced advisors'. And those same useful idiots have been taught to loudly proclaim "conspiracy theorist" at anyone that attempts to awaken them from their blind slumber.


This country is headed into an era that would cause our forefathers to roll over in their graves. They risked their lives on the battlefield to free themselves from what the majority of the people accept today; government tyranny. The large corporations and banksters control our country along with several others. "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." They make sure only the candidates are promoted that fit and follow their idealisms are allowed to advance and be promoted. If you don't wake up you will become a slave.

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1928 - correct answer Save - thought provoking no?


Oh and Noah, the biggest problem that I have with the EC is that it pretty much eliminates the possibility of a third party ever prevailing and I think that is not good -- although "unaffiliated/independents" (such as myself) have grown to be almost a third of our registered voters. I say that is indicative of the need for a third party. . . one that essentially is in between the traditional "extremes" of the two parties (and might temper those extremes).


The EC has contributed to a Red state/Blue state mentality which manifests itself in that we have a polarization of our country (just look at the extremes of the posts on this forum) and the result is the worst government the US has ever had in its more than 200 years of history. It has engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not only in foreign and economic but also in social and environmental policy.


With only 538 appointed "electors" it would not be impossible to mount a conspiracy to circumvent the Republic (and the Constitution) -- as a matter of fact we have witnessed the greatest assault on the Constitution in the last eight years - in those 200 years plus years of our existence.

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Bush deserves to be impeached. But how come the so called 'democratic party' led by Pelosi refuses to 'put it on the table'. That is just one situation that proves the point there is no difference between the democrats and republicans and the real people behind the scenes that control our country. It is purely a charade that the citizens of this country believe they have a real choice. Just look at the recent 700 billion dollar bailout. Did congress vote with the majority of its constituency?


Am I angry? Sure. I see useful idiots extolling the virtues of either our 'bought and paid for' candidates. Especially Obama. The man has zero experience and even admitted in the youtube interview I posted. Four years later has not changed anything. From what I see most people really don't have a clue of what is going on this government. They have a feeling something is not right but will not spend the time to research how these events are all interrelated and how the same players control the events. These are the players you call 'experienced advisors'. And those same useful idiots have been taught to loudly proclaim "conspiracy theorist" at anyone that attempts to awaken them from their blind slumber.


This country is headed into an era that would cause our forefathers to roll over in their graves. They risked their lives on the battlefield to free themselves from what the majority of the people accept today; government tyranny. The large corporations and banksters control our country along with several others. "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws." They make sure only the candidates are promoted that fit and follow their idealisms are allowed to advance and be promoted. If you don't wake up you will become a slave.

Ok. You don't stink anymore. You're pretty much right about that. We (the electorate) are all worked up over two sides of the same coin. And it's a wooden nickel.

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Oh and Noah, the biggest problem that I have with the EC is that it pretty much eliminates the possibility of a third party ever prevailing and I think that is not good -- although "unaffiliated/independents" (such as myself) have grown to be almost a third of our registered voters. I say that is indicative of the need for a third party. . . one that essentially is in between the traditional "extremes" of the two parties (and might temper those extremes).


The electoral college itself is not the root of the problem -- the problem is that electoral votes are awarded winner-take-all, and require a majority rather than a plurality to win. There's little pitfall inherent to electing electors, instead of the president.

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Maybe this is one of the many "October surprises" to come...


Berg v. Obama, No. 08-cv-04083


Yes. Congratulations. You discovered something that the RNC has been completely unable to figure out for the past 2 years. You're such a genius. Your efforts are wasted here. Tell the world. GO!




P.S. That's quite rich coming from the party hoping to change the constitution to allow Arnold Schwarzenegger to run for President

Edited by Noah Harbinger
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Oh and Noah, the biggest problem that I have with the EC is that it pretty much eliminates the possibility of a third party ever prevailing and I think that is not good -- although "unaffiliated/independents" (such as myself) have grown to be almost a third of our registered voters. I say that is indicative of the need for a third party. . . one that essentially is in between the traditional "extremes" of the two parties (and might temper those extremes).


The EC has contributed to a Red state/Blue state mentality which manifests itself in that we have a polarization of our country (just look at the extremes of the posts on this forum) and the result is the worst government the US has ever had in its more than 200 years of history. It has engaged in extraordinarily irresponsible policies not only in foreign and economic but also in social and environmental policy.


With only 538 appointed "electors" it would not be impossible to mount a conspiracy to circumvent the Republic (and the Constitution) -- as a matter of fact we have witnessed the greatest assault on the Constitution in the last eight years - in those 200 years plus years of our existence.

I believe the deep division is a result of the two parties themselves not the EC. They put the rules in place that basically don't give a third party a level playing field. Look up what one has to do and the insane amounts of money they have to come up with just to be on the ballot.

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