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Everything posted by Lions

  1. Your the one confused, I’ll give you a hint, look at your paystub for your profit share check.
  2. Which is about 1/3 of the company, at ford anyway. It’s laughable
  3. https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/2019/08/28/uaw-president-gary-jones-fbi-raid/2140270001/
  4. Last I checked we work at Ford dumbass!! Why are you using a formula from GM?????
  5. Better luck next time no voters. Let the crying begin.
  6. Jimmy just pulled up to 600 in a truck filled with champagne!!
  7. You've been warned! Just remember that when you check the yes box in January for the same contract. For those of you who say they can't afford it, they can, and will actually save money. There is over a 2 month supply of trucks last I checked. Could be more by now.
  8. All you no voters who think your cool will vote in the same contract if it does get voted down. Ford will wait until after the holidays and give us the same one. By then most of you will be broke by than. No turkey day or Black Friday pay. No Christmas holiday pay either, enjoy, hope you saved!
  9. Might not guarantee jobs, but with no investment, guaranteed layoffs and no new jobs.
  10. Not scared at all. Just smart enough to know as we look to get more, it will come off that number. Without them investments, were are the jobs going to go?
  11. I can see 9 billion disappearing with a no vote. Which in turn leads to what? It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out what will happen.
  12. By the way, why do you continue to lie?? Last time we had cola it made us an extra 5,000.00 a year. Now we get 1750.00 in bonuses to make up for it.....would you please go jump out in front of a truck already.
  13. When are you going to quit running your trap? Your the laughingstock of this forum!! Now make sure you empty out the tray of your moms dehumidifier while your sitting in the basement.
  14. Maybe you REALLY should just quit then. You sound like a teenaged girl.
  15. So an extra 2.4% is nothing I guess?? I think your getting dumber by the day tier2. You should get off this forum. All you do is keep getting dumber!!
  16. You should have researched your pay scale.......
  17. No one is begging you to stay here and work. You really do give all the tier 2's a bad name. Just quit already!!
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