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Everything posted by twintornados

  1. Yup...saw these two before...would love to buy either one...and both would fit in the Flat Rock Assembly plant with no issue.
  2. Good morning... I would like an explanation from someone more expert than me. The ford edge 2.0 tdci s&s awd sport 210cv powershift is the same as the ford edge 2.0 tdci s&s awd sport 210cv powershift st-line..???? Because I don't see any differences from old setup catalogues. But someone on the sales ads writes sport st-line, someone just sports. Thanks if anyone can clarify this for me and have a nice day.
  3. In New York, the Marcellus shale field is huge but since the socialists/communists hiding within the Dem party are currently in charge in the NYS Legislature, there is a fracking ban.
  4. I would love to get back into a sedan....c'mon Ford (or Lincoln) give us a sedan.
  5. You would be wrong. I am a capitalist but, business needs the balance of a union to pay those that put the money in the coffers and Union needs to ensure that the products they produce for the business are desired and bought. It is a tightrope that both sides of a negotiations table need to walk so that both entities are successful. Since you are the moderator, I will end the conversation here.
  6. This line jumped out at me...it didn't sink, it ran aground....She was repaired and sailed under several names until she was scrapped in 2012 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exxon_Valdez
  7. Assuming that you are seeking to increase the size of the display screen in your F-Super-duty since you posted in this sub-forum...try this... https://squarewheelsauto.com/products/squarewheels-g-series-tesla-screen-for-ford-f250-f350-f450-f651?variant=43171861070032&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOooemAt_raIoGBRhnKQYZrRc-HYNZ_cOhV9iaiT05i7jTrD49xti3Wc
  8. Congrats to the Chattanooga VW plant workers!! Stand tall!!
  9. Don't know of that, but Venezuela's state oil company owns CITGO
  10. Don't forget Venezuela....their crude needs more refining due to it's higher sulfur content.
  11. .....annnnnnnd, what did the transmission shop and/or dealer say?
  12. Sounds like it is still available if you'd like to relive your youth....it's up the road in my town.... https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/387660317471975/
  13. This!! The "end to end" battery pack concept is why EV's are typically more than their ICE counterparts
  14. Just a hunch, but my guess is the 6.7L Gas Cummins will crater similar to when GM diesel-fied the 350 Oldsmobile motor back in the late 70's, early 80's. It may be a good diesel, but it don't think it will translate to a good gas motor. Only my opinion.
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