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  1. Please learn the ability to type in a complete sentence. Your killing me already.. I'm almost embarrassed to be in a forum with you exchanging words on a page. There is a school down your street and around the corner, go attend it (it's called 5th grade).
  2. ahahahah nice Yeah the extensions are done for you, all you do is keep calling in.. Visteon sucks..
  3. hahahahahhaahah well then I guess you told me.. I still love ya brother.. god bless ya.. and hope the best for ya.. :reading:
  4. Run for what???? believe me I would if I knew I had a shot but lets face it and remember who runs the show all over the UAW. It's honestly a waste of time and energy, I'd rather spend my time with someone I love or do things in my life that I want to do. It takes years to establish a following and even more years to practice your gab, sorry I don't have my gab down.. Personally I don't think it's about gab or jaw chatter, I think it's about the membership and getting things done. There isn't a shit chance in hell I could ever move to the top of these idiots and "re-tool" the UAW so to speak. Because that is what we need re-tooling. Oh, I never said I was a tough guy but if that's how you perceive me without giving me the benefit of knowing me in person first then you should just shut your crack. Go read a book on "how to win an argument" before you badger me with your pole smoker attitude and pea brain mindset. I come in here to speak the truth and to get my opinions out. The (1st Amendment) of our great United States Constitution my friend allows me to do so. If you come in here with the mind set of the 2nd Amendment (Right to Bare Arms) attitude then I will have nothing to do with you or respond to whatever you say any further. Remember I am protected under the rights of freedom of speech, being that I am of the general populace. If you want to say something intelligent then do so, otherwise leave me alone. Now, I want to apologize to the rest of the people for his pre judgments, but that's just him and so he can't help it, now I forgot what else I was going to say!.. lol.. Anyway.. Have a nice day..
  5. They should have every member of the IUAW standing in front of those pics posing for photo ops. (something to be proud of) - not... Those pics are amazing. Alan doesn't care tho and Mr. Fields screwed up this company with "way backward". Shame on those that can't keep the company profitable... I know a kid next door to me, he's 18 years old, he draws pictures of cars in his spare time. You should see the cars this kid draws on paper. These cars look nicer then whats out on the market. Maybe Ford should hire this guy.. What a shame.
  6. It's the same jiberish that's spoken day in and day out on MSNBS, FOX NEWS and all the other news channels, what's new. The ® don't like us, we make too much money, were not competitive BLA BLA BLA!.. It's a song at this point. You didn't do anything about it you voted yes remember? If you really wanna do something about it get all your friends together and start voting out these idiots. Call for a petition to remove getfinger or some shit. I'm so tired of hearing it. By the end of 2009 there will be a massive lay off and 50,000 jobs will be lost, it's coming just you wait and see. DOOM AND GLOOM!. Here is what I predict, stock market reaches 5,000 on the DOW by SEPT.. FORD Is the only one standing in Detroit and their shares will be junk stock (not like they arn't already) that is. Classified jobs removed and/or outsourced, (yes this means you hi-lo driver). Plants going to full on automation give or take a few hundred employees. I am your Nostradamus, heed my words and look into my Chrystal ball..
  7. This guy is yet another reason why were in the shit were in, these glass house cheerleaders as I said before all they wanna do is come in here and bash on people telling it like it is.. I'm no cry baby man and if you don't like what I write then get the fuck out and go to another forum. People keeping their heads down are the ones wearing their pride (UAW pride that is) on their backside instead of on their shoulders where it belongs. You people that work every day and let people walk all over you is why we have no UNION. Keep doing what your doing and see where you end up!. Like I said before I am not anti union but this crap has to stop. We are getting walked on. And you say "time to move on get over it"... GET OVER IT????? are you going to go down without a fight? are you going to put your tail between your legs and walk away and quit? if you wanna be a quitter then fine, but many of the other people that come in here and express the way they feel about what the company and uaw has done to us just won't put up with it. I don't care if I post 10 posts, or 50,000 posts, so what if I'm new to the forum, you gonna bash me because I'm new? your so ignorant it's not funny!. Go home every night to your little wife and kid and pretend everything's fine. YOU know it's not so stand up for what you believe in for once in your pathetic life. This ignoramus a few weeks ago asked me in the break room why I keep going head to head with the supervisor? I asked him who the hell was he? and what the hell he was talking about, he shook so damn bad I thought he was going shit his pants. Point is, if you got the balls to stand up to someone and tell it like it is, don't shake like a pussy and get your point across. This guy had none and I put'em in his place. Also told him if he didn't shut his mouth he would be going on a "no tolerance bye bye trip". You people start standing up for yourselves or keep letting them walk on you in these plants and by the UAW and you will see where you will be at in 5 years. Working in some gas station pumping 2.95 gas and getting blown by your buddy behind the midnight shift counter. Wake and smell what you shovel son!. I'm there for a paycheck not for schoolyard play. Again tell'n like it is.
  8. I agree they have over 350 Skilled trades in the Rouge area. Far too many if you ask me. And I agree most sit around and drink coffee and play cards all day. Hey the company used to give out decks of cards so you can't blame the workers on that one right? no.. The point was, is that people are losing money, weather or not they deserve to make it based on value added from the job is another question. If you knew how many people I see drive around on a daily basis on electric carts doing nothing (at the rouge) you would be amazed. I say if Ford wants to save money make these people stay on their lines and take away all these damn motorized vehicles that people use (and do nothing with). If you want to give supervisors and trades something to drive, give them three wheel bikes to peddle around. I bet the electric bills for these plants are costing billions per year in itself and that's sad.
  9. I honestly now don't think it's a lie, they are shuffling so many people around in all zones, they don't know what the hell they are doing anymore. It's called the checkerboard cause and effect. The effect is that it's all fucked up!. Without cutting jobs they need to eliminate overhead by closing some of these plants, instead they found that running temp workers and keeping them open is highly profitable!. And for the outsourced jobs, yes I agree they need to bring those jobs back!. That should have been part of the agreement.
  10. I have the solution.. Restructure NAFTA If these companies from other countries wanna sell their shit in the US they have to put people to work in the US.. For every 5 million cars/trucks/toys they sell here they need to employ 500k workers in the US or go home!. DOWN WITH NAFTA.. Lets pay China off also and these other countries we owe money too so we don't have to be under this money cloud anymore, the US should be independent and not depend on other countries anymore. Lets stop helping other countries and help our self. Oh yeah, Clooney, take your DARFUR and shove it up your ass. If you want aid over there give them your money!.
  11. I wonder if a real Ford Doctor actually posted that..
  12. I don't think this is right, but if you ask me the company and IUAW actually deserves what they get now after all this BS with the agreement. I spoke with an electrician today and he told me he is losing almost $10k per year now because of everyone voting yes on this new agreement. I think the average worker is also losing 5k, they should have given us something like a 2k check after taxes to make up for the money and sub pay rights some people are losing. So while I don't condone this type of behavior I think in a way I know why the person posted it. If you sit back and think we lost more last year and this year then in most years. I can't remember when we ever lost 5k of wages in a single year can you????? or maybe I'm wrong. And yes the medical abuse has been around for 20 years, it doesn't matter if the OP posted this because people do it everyday anyway. have a nice day!.
  13. You have no right to march if you voted yes on the new agreement, remember that!.
  14. Whats the point of your video? I think you pointed to the wrong one..lol
  15. Well I have 95 sen, and I heard only 1 or two groups went so far. There is about 650 people and I am 323 on the list so figure it out from there. Some might be shafted like myself but I don't care weather I go or not, all pays the same to me but I hope they do move me. I really do not like Dearborn at all for many reasons. I think 1998 is the cutoff but I'm not sure. If you have 95 or more sen expect to be sent by the end of this month or middle to end of April. Also for any of you guys ending up at the Body plant, if you get placed on the Door loading/hanging job, don't put up with no bullshit from the supervisor, she is a bitch and I heard the day shift one is an even bigger bitch. Don't let them bird dog you and try to intimidate you. They have already been taken to Labor for harassment and given time off, they are on thin Ice I think and I'm sure they are not looking to lose their job so don't let them play games with you. The training process at DTP, Body plant in specific is a joke, they throw you on the job and expect you to do every other truck that comes by, and believe me they come by every 43 secs, so if your hanging doors which is the worst job on the line, you better be in shape for it cause it is a bitch. Also if your loading doors in that same work area it is also a bitch, you have to put 2 bolts together, load them in a fixture, place the door hinge in the fixture then load the door on the track (60Lbs) place 2 stickers on the door and hit the button then do the other door, so your going back and forth from crew cab to regular cab trucks and one runs faster then the other, they do 2-3 crew cabs to every regular cab. It is not fun and I feel sorry for anyone that lands on those jobs (right or left sides). Anyway.. I hope I was able to shed some light on the worst job of the body plant. As I go to Saline I will pray for you all!.. :shades:
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