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  1. The only point that I'm trying to make is that we have to continue to be focused on the entire contract. I agree, all these companies would love to give 1/2% raises but would never put it on the table that way. Instead, it may look something like 3% raises and 4% bonuses, signing bonuses, while taking away other things at the same time. So yes, when it's all said and done, 1/2% raise! Let's focus on the big numbers and be even more focused on the details. That's where the devil is.
  2. Shouldn't really post things that are supposedly "reported." No company would even think about offering raises of 1/2% per year. Ridiculous
  3. I don't trust the UAW to manage that huge some of money in VEBA. Currently, they have 5 UAW Trustees sitting on that board. Why? What do they know about finance? The government needs to have eyes into everything that goes on with VEBA. Too much money tempting too many corrupt UAW officials.
  4. It's a good thing they're only in charge of negotiating quantities of Gatorade and passing out jackets. The rest is smoke and mirrors.
  5. Does this even sound logical? $750,000 for 30 years? Not to mention that age would have to be a factor.
  6. All of these extreme examples of "religious" people doing horrible things do not represent true Christians. If you read the Bible, nothing commands us to molest kids, steal money, have affairs, etc. These people use their religion the wrong way. They do not represent true Christians. True Christians make a very positive addition to society. If you deny this, you don't know any. It has been an interesting debate. To my UAW brothers and sisters in Christ, keep fighting the Good Fight. Let's pray for each other. To my UAW brothers and sisters not yet in Christ, I'm truly praying for you as well. With God, all things are possible. See Ya
  7. You should do what our fore-fathers did. Organize the people that think like you and go start a new country. Or organize and try to take over this country. The reason you have to sit through these things is because this country was founded on Christianity. Granted, this country is pulling away from Christianity. This is also interesting. We're kicking God out of schools and governments at all levels. Our society is supposedly advancing as we pull father away from our roots. If you get your wish, we will not acknowledge God in anything we do. I'm sure this is coincidence, but as we do all of theses things our society is going down the toilet. Suicides, violent crimes, teen pregnancy, and broken families. See how much happier we become as we turn our back on God?
  8. You have limited research. There are many "modern-day" scientists that have done many studies and written many books that support creation. Look at both sides because none of us were here 6,000 years ago let alone 12 billion years ago. If you want to say the Earth is 6,000 years old, you can find some very respectable scientists who have very respectable arguments. If you want to say the Earth is 12 billion years old you'll find scientists who have very respectable arguments. Who do you believe? It comes down to faith. My faith is in the Lord. Yours is in man.
  9. Why bother quoting people? Would you take a quote from the Bible as credible? Yet, it's been around for thousands of years. Why would you expect anyone to take some quote from a person who has been around for what, 70 years? Or maybe we should read the 15 pages of brilliant quotes from others who have just come on the scene, relatively speaking. I'm not sitting on some judgement seat pretending to be better than anyone. Think about it, there's no way we were made from nothing. More and more credible scientists are starting to admit that. What were we created for? To serve ourselves? It's all about me? Give it up man, you are truely free when you give up trying to control everything.
  10. Well there is some hope. If you acknowledge sin, you must acknowledge some higher power. I will keep praying for you and others as well as myself.
  11. Stereotyping is not a valid argument. You'll have to come up with something new. Most people have learned to see past stereotyping with all the racial arguments of the past. You said you were blessed. By whom? I'll be the first admit that there have been some horrible things done in the name of Christianity. These are people interpreting scriptures for their own benefit. Jesus never walked around burning people at a stake. We are to become like Jesus. Anything outside of that is not practicing true Christianity. That "religious pervert" you were talking about was not following Jesus. These are people sinning just like you and me and that is why we need a savior.
  12. It seems your tone has changed after my last post. It became a lot less offensive. That's another example of Christ's presence, when one is rebuked, it changes his heart. That's a great thing. By the way I don't follow any priest. I have a pastor in whom I respect a lot but my faith is in the Bible and in Jesus. As I said earlier, stereotyping is the easy way out. I know a lot of non-believers that have done some horrible things. If I were lazy, I would assume that all non-believers do these same horrible things.
  13. Obviously, the path you have taken in life results in bitterness and anger. That's what happens when you follow the world. I will pray for you also.
  14. As usual, the underlying element in all these types of arguments is that we have to understand everything that happens in this world. If bad things happen, there is no God. Try to look at humanity from a different point of view. One without you in the center. I have to understand. It has to make sense to me. Man is so smart, if we don't understand something, then it's not true. I am so afraid to be made a fool of, I can't believe in something I don't understand. We are all just a minor players in a larger plan. Again, fear and love are synonymous. I love God and fear God. No shame in that. If our world is ourselves, of course there's no room for God.
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