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Everything posted by robertlane

  1. http://www.blueovalnews.com/index.php?cate...p2_articleid=49 Here they come. . .
  2. http://www.stangsunleashed.com/forums/inde...p?showtopic=231
  3. That is ABSOLUTELY correct. The VIN numbers assigned DO NOT reflect which can came of the line in any particular order. In fact, I've walked the Mustang line on several ocassions and noted that car 151,942 could be made before car 99,999. With that being said, Mustang 5F08F100001 is still considered the first production Mustang even though it may have not been the first one made.
  4. The fusion ad schedule is here: http://www.fusionunleashed.com/index.php?c...&p2_articleid=9 I'll dig some commercial video clips up from different markets on Tues. or Weds.
  5. http://www.fool.com/news/commentary/2005/c...nce=y&bounce2=y
  6. http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artic.../512120355/1148
  7. Article: http://www.stangsunleashed.com/index.php?c...p2_articleid=14
  8. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=100...qw&refer=canada
  9. I'd tone it down with the green - you might start to get some frog jokes
  10. http://thestreet.com/funds/jubak/10254870.html
  11. Storm Damage To Supplier Stops Ford SUV Production In Missouri http://www.kctv5.com/Global/story.asp?S=4184298
  12. Dave, What did you do at Don Reid? I think I remember you. I worked at Don Reid - I know Phil Gosnell - worked with Paul Southern.
  13. http://www.cbs46.com/Global/story.asp?S=4183328
  14. http://www.macon.com/mld/macon/news/local/13286115.htm
  15. http://www.motoring.co.za/index.php?fArtic...nId=&fSetId=381
  16. http://www.bizjournals.com/kansascity/stor...html?from_rss=1
  17. I'd like to know just who DOESN'T have a shitty copy of Windows XP?
  18. I was wondering how much he makes due to his comments about what people at the Big Three and suppliers make. I wonder if the UAW is an outdated business model, which has little effect since we're now in a global economy. Does the UAW really have any clout as to what Ford or GM will do anyway? I mean, Gettlefinder can rattle the troops, but if GM or Ford are going to close a plant in today's environment, what can he or the UAW really do about it. . .can they protect the UAW members' bacon? I am just asking these questions and not making a statement. Gettlefinger, however, does make a good point about management pay. In THIS country, we've become all too accustomed of paying people who f-companies up. Where is the performance standared any more? What does it take for Doug Steenland to take Northwest Airlines into bankruptcy and still make millions per year along with an annual retirement package of another 1 million per year? Kraft foods had record losses last year, but yet they had the highest executive payouts in their history? Delta pilots have taken so many pay cuts, they are now proposing a murder suicide of the airline. I'd like to have one those executive jobs - how hard can it be to fuck up a company, but yet make millions per year doing it? What kind of skill does it really take? But THAT'S the corporate culture of this country. Gone are the days when the CEO represented the employees. . . .now the CEO's represent Wall St. I know went waaaayyyyyyy off topic, but I had to vent a little here. I'm just so tired of corporate America and the incompetence that it represents. How much do I make a year? I'm part of the middle class - or what's left of it.
  19. http://media.ford.com/article_display.cfm?...2059&make_id=92
  20. Anyone know how much Ron Gettelfinger makes per year as the UAW head?
  21. http://www.autofieldguide.com/driven/1105dri26.html
  22. http://blueovalnews.com/2005/products/rozz...shlist22nov.htm
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