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Westside's Achievements



  1. Let me give Level a break............ If a Trades-Person with no production seniority takes a production slot, will you have to take DOE into your new classification? If you choose to go back to production and stay in your current unit you will take a new DOE. If you choose to go to production and leave your current unit you will be able to take your full 7 1/2 years as your production seniority to your new unit.
  2. Sure I can take a pill......Can you do the same?
  3. Whereswaldo, You can not be that blind to see what is going on here. I am simply stating to keep the line running, example: sensors, reflectors, touch screens etc... simple Electrical tasks to keep production going. This is the same scenario happening at AAI. Everyone does everyones work. Now as I stated earlier project and construction are different and you will see the Electricians will not let anyone past that golden egg, not to mention it is against state code. GM and Chrysler got their foot in the door and it is not pretty. Someone had made a statement in past threads banging on the AAI umbrellas because the do each others work. AAI has the leanest trades force in the big 3. They operate with 30% less trades than the closest big 3 competitor. Why do you ask? Umbrellas ding, ding, ding..........winner Now IMO I feel we will have more trades working because of the consolidation......A far cry from umbrellas brother. Do you really not see much difference between 2 trades and 22 trades?
  4. When they work in teams to support production the "umbrella teams" will do whatever it takes to keep the line running. When it comes to project/construction work they will follow state code.
  5. Could you tell us the recall rights for the trades that go back into production and if they have changed from the last contract? There were no recall rights before and there no recall rights in the new agreement. When you choose to go back to production there is no mechanism to call you back to your trade unless management tries to hire from the street. In fact they could actually put a apprentice on with your same trade while you remain in production. When there is a need for your trade you would be the first to be recalled to your trade before they contracted out or transfered in? No you stay in production while contractors are on site. Yes others in layoff or protected status will fill openings within your trade first before you. Be very careful and as Level stated make yourself familiar with the agreement and go over every detail with your Job Security Rep. before you make any decision. Your Rep. will get you all info you may need........
  6. He said She said....... His Classification is Machining Specialist. Believe who you want. Just being honest. This site thrives on dirt and mud slinging.....Just trying to clear the bull.
  7. They exist at the locations I stated. Not to speak for level but he may just be quoting the new agreement where they will continue to operate with Machinig Specialists at R&E and DT&D. The other locations I listed will not repopulate. The other 2 openings are to be filled with Toolmakers or Tool and Diemakers consistent with the new agreement.
  8. What seems to be the problem???? That's BULLSHIT as that classification is only @ 2 plants and their NOT closing now are they? Wrong assumption....The Machining Specialist exist at R&E, T&D, Walton Hills, Maumee, Chicago Stamping and Buffalo Stamping. No takers for the other 2 slots then the posting goes to all locations that have T&D Makers and Tool Makers in protected status which is what happened. TMOs have no part in this equation. IT wasn't posted corporate wide and since you didn't deny it was a union kid, then it must be, by your logic. Wrong assumption again. Everything was done within the agreement. I believe this is a good sign that trades are starting to fill openings. BTW Are you a Tradesperson? Production/TMO?
  9. This is the last place I would look for important issues like retirement and benefit questions. Most questions like this are personalized case by case. Not one answer fits all. Please see your benefits rep for your retirement elgibility, credits and monthly estimates for you personally. Also if they are singleing you out with a TLO while other lower seniority are working, get your committee involved....
  10. The Union leadership you have at Wayne are properly representing you and the membership. The company has until April 1st to notify the shutdown dates and people working the shutdown. We all know how things change daily with management. Once management produces the shutdown "officially signed by the HR manager" letter then the Union will inform you of the dates with a signed document to back it up. Hope this helps.......
  11. Are you currently working or are you currently in GEN (JSP)?
  12. Buy outs have reached the peak.......There will be no higher incentives. This is it. We can complain and try to push a agenda here like ($250,000 each) but they will not increase. The American public sees us as a bunch of spoiled kids and the media portray us as overpaid cavemen. We will not get anymore sympathy. This is it.......... What ever happens after this round of buyouts will surely be painful if we do not reach the numbers needed. I am riding out the storm...... Good Luck.
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