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What a piece of crap. But, if you're ignorant and/or stupid, it sure sounds like something.


"Given that the Ford Foundation was created by Nazis". No, that's not a given.


"it appears that Ford was using slave labor from the Auschwitz death camp during the war." IG Farben had a plant next door; AFAIK, Ford was not involved, and certainly, with the declaration of war, any Ford executives would have been interned, or returned to the US. What the Reich administration under Speer would have done with Ford's assets had nothing to do with Ford's management.


Slimy innuendo.


It originates from the Jewish right-wing "Zionist" fundamentalists. Why? Because the Ford Foundation is supporting people they don't like. If it were really true, the Israeli government would have done something about it, but they too are aware just how off-the-wall these religious loonies are.


Thing is, these Jews do not speak for the majority in Israel; they are the ones who are building settlements in Gaza that the Palestinians rightly feel is their land. When thwarted, these fundamentalists resort to violence, including political assissination. They also resort to 'disinformation' like the crap in the link that was posted.


No different than the hate campaigns created by US evangelical fundamentalists: just as bigoted and myopic.


Now, if you want to get upset about US support for the Nazis, take a close look at IBM. Here there be monsters. Read up on it, and you'll never look at a punch-card the same way.

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What a piece of crap. But, if you're ignorant and/or stupid, it sure sounds like something.


"Given that the Ford Foundation was created by Nazis". No, that's not a given.


"it appears that Ford was using slave labor from the Auschwitz death camp during the war." IG Farben had a plant next door; AFAIK, Ford was not involved, and certainly, with the declaration of war, any Ford executives would have been interned, or returned to the US. What the Reich administration under Speer would have done with Ford's assets had nothing to do with Ford's management.


Slimy innuendo.


It originates from the Jewish right-wing "Zionist" fundamentalists. Why? Because the Ford Foundation is supporting people they don't like. If it were really true, the Israeli government would have done something about it, but they too are aware just how off-the-wall these religious loonies are.


Thing is, these Jews do not speak for the majority in Israel; they are the ones who are building settlements in Gaza that the Palestinians rightly feel is their land. When thwarted, these fundamentalists resort to violence, including political assissination. They also resort to 'disinformation' like the crap in the link that was posted.


No different than the hate campaigns created by US evangelical fundamentalists: just as bigoted and myopic.


Now, if you want to get upset about US support for the Nazis, take a close look at IBM. Here there be monsters. Read up on it, and you'll never look at a punch-card the same way.


Well said Edstock.


I would add that Ford has been a stalwart supporter of Israel for decades. One of my friends in Law School was Jordanian. We were out one night and I offered to drive our group in my Bronco II. He said it was the first Ford he had ever been in since they were seldom seen in Jordan. Fords were considered "Jewish cars". Next time you see news footage from a bombing in Israel, check out the ambulances. They are all E-Series Fords.

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It originates from the Jewish right-wing "Zionist" fundamentalists. Why? Because the Ford Foundation is supporting people they don't like. If it were really true, the Israeli government would have done something about it, but they too are aware just how off-the-wall these religious loonies are.


Thing is, these Jews do not speak for the majority in Israel; they are the ones who are building settlements in Gaza that the Palestinians rightly feel is their land. When thwarted, these fundamentalists resort to violence, including political assissination. They also resort to 'disinformation' like the crap in the link that was posted.


No different than the hate campaigns created by US evangelical fundamentalists: just as bigoted and myopic.


Now, if you want to get upset about US support for the Nazis, take a close look at IBM. Here there be monsters. Read up on it, and you'll never look at a punch-card the same way.

Im NOT saying I believe the entire article altho we all know some is true, but I have a few questions.


What is wrong with being a Zionist, what is their cause and why? I consider myself in favor of Zionism as do all Christians.


Why is this land "rightly" the Palestinians; did a recognized Palestinian nation ever exist; from where did the Palestinians originate.


What is wrong with evangelism; all Christians are evangelical; even you and I, if we are Christians.


"US evangelical fundamentalists" is one of many bywords/slogans dreamed up by the liberal media, the Hollywod eliteist and atheist groups.


How many of the "monsters" you speak of received the medal awarded by Hitler; only Henry and Mussolini were the only non Germans.



By the way, according to the apostle Paul, you and I are both Jews IF we are Christians.

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The reason many of us don't like "Fundamental evangelism" in Christianity or any other religion, is because these religions generally promote ignorance and a belief in the supernatural as well as brain wash many of their weak minded followers. They also tend to put their 2000 year old beliefs and superstitions above what we have learned from the study of science. Because of rigid view of how they think the world ought to be, I think they also tend to be responsible for most of the wars going on around the world today. Our creator (or whatever) gave us the best brain on this planet and I figure he expects us to use it, and, to me, blindly following some stupid religion is not making much use of that brain.


Henry Ford was a remarkable man, but not a perfect man, and maybe did some things we don't like the idea of now, when we look back. But that was a long time ago. Let it be. I have an acquantance who worked for the Ford foundation, helping investing it's money and passing out it gifts. There was no anti Jewish bias there he said. It's this kind of stuff that raises those doubts by writers, who then can say..."I'm just reporting what some others say" kind of garbage.


My above remarks are meant to be very general, not specific, and just my views, and are not intended as an attack on any modern thinking religious group.

Edited by Ralph Greene
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What is wrong with being a Zionist, what is their cause and why? I consider myself in favor of Zionism as do all Christians.


Uh, Zionists, like any other "ists", come in a range of rigor in their beliefs. Like any other "ists", when you resort to bombs and other stuff, that's not good.


Why is this land "rightly" the Palestinians; did a recognized Palestinian nation ever exist; from where did the Palestinians originate.


Well, it seems that there were a lot of them living there in 1948, when the state of Israel came into existence, after getting the shaft from the British and the League of Nations through the 30's, and indecision at the UN in the post 45-era. All of a sudden you don't live where you've been living for centuries, and you get upset.


What is wrong with evangelism; all Christians are evangelical; even you and I, if we are Christians.


Actually, all Christians are not evangelical. Check the definition of evangelical at http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/evangelical

Interesting, just learned something myself. But using "enthusiastic proselytizing" as a definition, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with wanting to explain what you believe to others — as long as you don't use the point of a sword to get their attention.


"US evangelical fundamentalists" is one of many bywords/slogans dreamed up by the liberal media, the Hollywod eliteist and atheist groups.


If it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Let's see: they're American; so "US" is correct. They're certainly enthusiastic proselytizers, so "evangelical" sounds like it fits. And they tend to believe in literal interpretation of the Bible, which compared to mainstream Protestants, makes them look like "fundamentalists". So, "US evangelical fundamentalists" seems to fit as an accurate descriptive label that has no pejorative, yet makes you uneasy, looking for people to blame for a simple definition. And if there is a pejorative, it dates way, way before "the liberal media, the Hollywod eliteist and atheist groups."


How many of the "monsters" you speak of received the medal awarded by Hitler; only Henry and Mussolini were the only non Germans.


None of them. The medal seems to be important to you; it must signify something. So bigoted old Henry had the bucks to cast offensive anti-Semitic bumpf far and wide, far and wide enough to catch the attention of the uber-lunatic, Adolf, who decides to show how great he thinks ol' Henry is by giving him a medal.


It's disgraceful. We know it is. We also know it has nothing to do with Ford today, so, what's the point? Just to be a shit-disturber under the guise of moral concern?


So Henry was a twisted little fuck. Happy now?


Let's repeat it: Henry was a twisted little fuck.


However, once war was declared, and even before, Ford was exemplary in its war effort, even if Henry was a twisted little fuck.


The same cannot be said for the IBM monsters. They didn't get medals from the Germans, they got money. Henry was a twisted little fuck — but that's treason.

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If a person is a Christian he at least occaisionally reads the Bible and more than likely is aware of what is generally known as "The Great Commission" as it relates to this verse and other similar verses.


Matthew 28 : 19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"


The idea of "The Great Commission" is the root cause of all Christian evangelism and all Christians are, or at least should be, aware of the obligation these verses apply as well as the actual urging of the Holy Spirit to comply.


Using the word "evangelical" to describe the word "Christian" is totally superfluous. In other words, it ain't needed.


Personally, I spend considerable time as a Christian witness to other people and recently wrote the following to primarily use as a witnessing tool:


Like many youngsters I walked the aisle, joined the church and was baptized as an early teenager. I was part of a church going family and felt that it was my duty to be a member of the small Baptist church we were attending.

I think I did have some vague understanding of the Bible, about Jesus Christ, his teachings, crucifixion and resurrection.

I had no knowledge or understanding that true salvation does indeed involve more than just simply doing something dutiful that I had heard and read about it.

Not knowing any better I was satisfied with my perceived salvation and then at about 18-19 years old I began drinking and then in 1962 I wound up in AA at the age of 29 and even then I still thought that years before I had completed my required functions as a Christian and was a saved person.

At this time in my life I had only a small knowledge of the Holy Spirit and had never experienced the feeling of His work. I had no idea that a person is only saved at the urging of the Holy Spirit.

I may have at one time or another read the below Bible verses, but apparently they did not sink in my young brain.


MATTHEW 18:20 "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."

JOHN 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

John 6:44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day."


The last of the above verses unequivocally states that a person is only saved at the urging of the Holy Spirit and which is the Holy Spirit of the Father.

I now realize at that point in my life I was not saved and would not be until many years later.

In 1968 a workmate friend may have sensed that I was not saved and started witnessing to me about salvation, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and many other aspects of true belief. A feeling came over me that I had never before in my life experienced. It was like you want to rejoice and/or cry at the same time. My friend sensed what was happening and remarked “Ellis, I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to you right now”. I was confused and simply replied that I did not know what he was talking about. Well, I never forgot that experience and I began to realize that sooner or later I was going to have to do something about it.

I carried that experience in the back of my mind some 25 years and then one day I asked my wife if she would like for us to start going to church, she replied, “Yes, I thought you would never ask”.

We both started going to Eastside Baptist in Rusk, TX where we were warmly welcomed and in a short while we both moved our memberships there.

But I still felt that I needed to do something, but was filled with confusion and anxiety wondering what to do even though on several other occasions I felt the presence and urging of the Holy Spirit.

Lo and behold, a 90 (plus/minus) year old man walked the aisle with a story similar to mine apparently confessing his pent up belief and faith in Jesus Christ and wanting to be baptized which he was a few days later.

I then realized what I had seen was what I needed to do; so at the next service where I felt that urge I walked down the aisle, told the basics of this story and was baptized a few days later.

Now, this does not mean that I or other saved Christians would never sin again; we sin and fall short of the glory of God every day, but the work of Jesus Christ on the cross was and is sufficient for all past, present and future sins of a saved believer.

1 JOHN 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”

At one time I struggled about the idea that many propose that the Bible can’t be proven as “cold hard fact”. A lady friend, church member cleared that up for me with this remark, “The Bible and salvation are about FAITH; if they were about cold hard fact, there would be no room or reason for faith.”

In the past 10-12 years I have spent considerable time reading and studying the Bible and have reached the following conclusions:

When a child is born in this world he/she is recorded in God's Book of Life, but even so, he/she has a one-way ticket to hell EXCEPT for two circumstances as below:

1. The child/person dies before achieving the knowledge of accountability.

2. At some age and ONLY at the urging/prompting of the Holy Spirit the person accepts and confesses Jesus Christ as personal Savior at which time his/her name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life and can never be blotted out.

REV. 3:5 “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.

REV. 21:27 “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”

Note; if the person dies before accepting/confessing Jesus Christ; the name is blotted from God's Book of Life.

REV. 20:15 “And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”

And by the way, the person can't just roll out of bed at 9:00 AM Sunday morning and say, "I think I'll just run by the Church a few minutes and get saved", it just doesn't really work that way.

God's plan of salvation for mankind was preordained perhaps "forever ago", the plan calling for a '"Perfect Sacrifice" for the redemption of sin with the sacrifice being his only Son, namely Jesus Christ born sin free of the Virgin Mary.

If anyone reading this would like to learn more about God’s plan of salvation; my suggestion is read the Bible and I suggest the New King James Version, Personal Study with center column references and footnotes at the bottom of the page. Mine is a Nelson 165.

And by the way, if a person does not believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God please consider what ISAIAH wrote some 2700 years ago:


ISAIAH 40:22 “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers”.


How else could ISAIAH have possibly known the earth was and is round unless inspired by God. And is it just coincidence that the word “circle” appears nowhere else in the Bible.

Reading God’s plan of salvation and eternal life is very exciting; God Bless and good reading.

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If a person is a Christian he at least occaisionally reads the Bible and more than likely is aware of what is generally known as "The Great Commission" as it relates to this verse and other similar verses.


Matthew 28 : 19 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"


The idea of "The Great Commission" is the root cause of all Christian evangelism and all Christians are, or at least should be, aware of the obligation these verses apply as well as the actual urging of the Holy Spirit to comply.


Using the word "evangelical" to describe the word "Christian" is totally superfluous. In other words, it ain't needed.


Personally, I spend considerable time as a Christian witness to other people and recently wrote the following to primarily use as a witnessing tool:


Like many youngsters I walked the aisle, joined the church and was baptized as an early teenager. I was part of a church going family and felt that it was my duty to be a member of the small Baptist church we were attending.

I think I did have some vague understanding of the Bible, about Jesus Christ, his teachings, crucifixion and resurrection.

I had no knowledge or understanding that true salvation does indeed involve more than just simply doing something dutiful that I had heard and read about it.

Not knowing any better I was satisfied with my perceived salvation and then at about 18-19 years old I began drinking and then in 1962 I wound up in AA at the age of 29 and even then I still thought that years before I had completed my required functions as a Christian and was a saved person.

At this time in my life I had only a small knowledge of the Holy Spirit and had never experienced the feeling of His work. I had no idea that a person is only saved at the urging of the Holy Spirit.

I may have at one time or another read the below Bible verses, but apparently they did not sink in my young brain.


MATTHEW 18:20 "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."

JOHN 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

John 6:44 "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day."


The last of the above verses unequivocally states that a person is only saved at the urging of the Holy Spirit and which is the Holy Spirit of the Father.

I now realize at that point in my life I was not saved and would not be until many years later.

In 1968 a workmate friend may have sensed that I was not saved and started witnessing to me about salvation, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and many other aspects of true belief. A feeling came over me that I had never before in my life experienced. It was like you want to rejoice and/or cry at the same time. My friend sensed what was happening and remarked “Ellis, I believe the Holy Spirit is speaking to you right now”. I was confused and simply replied that I did not know what he was talking about. Well, I never forgot that experience and I began to realize that sooner or later I was going to have to do something about it.

I carried that experience in the back of my mind some 25 years and then one day I asked my wife if she would like for us to start going to church, she replied, “Yes, I thought you would never ask”.

We both started going to Eastside Baptist in Rusk, TX where we were warmly welcomed and in a short while we both moved our memberships there.

But I still felt that I needed to do something, but was filled with confusion and anxiety wondering what to do even though on several other occasions I felt the presence and urging of the Holy Spirit.

Lo and behold, a 90 (plus/minus) year old man walked the aisle with a story similar to mine apparently confessing his pent up belief and faith in Jesus Christ and wanting to be baptized which he was a few days later.

I then realized what I had seen was what I needed to do; so at the next service where I felt that urge I walked down the aisle, told the basics of this story and was baptized a few days later.

Now, this does not mean that I or other saved Christians would never sin again; we sin and fall short of the glory of God every day, but the work of Jesus Christ on the cross was and is sufficient for all past, present and future sins of a saved believer.

1 JOHN 1:8 “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”

At one time I struggled about the idea that many propose that the Bible can’t be proven as “cold hard fact”. A lady friend, church member cleared that up for me with this remark, “The Bible and salvation are about FAITH; if they were about cold hard fact, there would be no room or reason for faith.”

In the past 10-12 years I have spent considerable time reading and studying the Bible and have reached the following conclusions:

When a child is born in this world he/she is recorded in God's Book of Life, but even so, he/she has a one-way ticket to hell EXCEPT for two circumstances as below:

1. The child/person dies before achieving the knowledge of accountability.

2. At some age and ONLY at the urging/prompting of the Holy Spirit the person accepts and confesses Jesus Christ as personal Savior at which time his/her name is recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life and can never be blotted out.

REV. 3:5 “He who overcomes shall be clothed in white garments and I will not blot out his name from the Book of Life; but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.

REV. 21:27 “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.”

Note; if the person dies before accepting/confessing Jesus Christ; the name is blotted from God's Book of Life.

REV. 20:15 “And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”

And by the way, the person can't just roll out of bed at 9:00 AM Sunday morning and say, "I think I'll just run by the Church a few minutes and get saved", it just doesn't really work that way.

God's plan of salvation for mankind was preordained perhaps "forever ago", the plan calling for a '"Perfect Sacrifice" for the redemption of sin with the sacrifice being his only Son, namely Jesus Christ born sin free of the Virgin Mary.

If anyone reading this would like to learn more about God’s plan of salvation; my suggestion is read the Bible and I suggest the New King James Version, Personal Study with center column references and footnotes at the bottom of the page. Mine is a Nelson 165.

And by the way, if a person does not believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God please consider what ISAIAH wrote some 2700 years ago:


ISAIAH 40:22 “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers”.


How else could ISAIAH have possibly known the earth was and is round unless inspired by God. And is it just coincidence that the word “circle” appears nowhere else in the Bible.

Reading God’s plan of salvation and eternal life is very exciting; God Bless and good reading.




Nice post!

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I try to steer clear of religion & politics Ed, it should be a personal thing. Happy Birthday Ed hope you have a nice one.


Thank-you, sir. It's a better world with you and hemisbc in it.



How else could ISAIAH have possibly known the earth was and is round unless inspired by God. And is it just coincidence that the word “circle” appears nowhere else in the Bible.


That could have been courtesy of the Phoenecians and the Greeks, who were aware of the earth's roundness, and of course, the Phoenecians were everywhere in the Mediterranean, so the knowledge could have come from them — or not.

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just a note - The Ford Foundation is no longer associated with either the Ford Family, or Ford Motor. There is Ford Motor Foundation, and there is Ford Family Foundation - the latter much smaller.


The giant Ford Foundation while originally associated by both entities, is not fully independent organization and neither FoMoCo, nor the Ford Family have any say in its decisions.


And I agree with edstock above ...



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Hemiman>>>"""Nice post!""""

Thanks, Hman, when I saw you had responded a very good feeling came on me, especially after some of the negative remarks.

And thanks for having the guts to stand up for what you believe in.


MARK 8 : 38 "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."


Edstock>>>>"""Thank-you, sir. It's a better world with you and hemisbc in it.""""

Thanks Ed, and you're OK for a Canuck(sp) ;-).


suv guy19>>>""""I would consider it very offensive to be called an evangelist. To me, it represents when people take religion too far.""""

I agree that some are on the wrong track, but these are an extreme minority and they get all the ink from the liberal press. And if you tell the truth you will say the press is where you get your ideas and not from hands on nexperience.

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  • 2 weeks later...
just a note - The Ford Foundation is no longer associated with either the Ford Family, or Ford Motor. There is Ford Motor Foundation, and there is Ford Family Foundation - the latter much smaller.


The giant Ford Foundation while originally associated by both entities, is not fully independent organization and neither FoMoCo, nor the Ford Family have any say in its decisions.


And I agree with edstock above ...




Just a note: back in the 70s Henry Ford II sued to get the Ford name removed from the Ford Foundation. He was upset at the direction the foundation was taking. The courts told him NO, he couldn't take his name back.


Quite sad.

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Having just returned from Jordan about 3 weeks ago, I saw a lot of Crown Vic Police Interceptors there.


It appears to me that the Palestinians have no more rights to their old home lands than the Sioux have to South Dakota. There are Palestinians living in Israel and they do have representation in the Knessett--the same as the Sioux in South Dakota. In fact, they are likely better represented than the Sioux.


Sir Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Our world would be much different without his ground-breaking work. He created calculus, and is the father of modern physics. Without his work there would have been no Einstein. Interestingly, Newton calculated that the end of time would not arrive before 2060. So you all have a little time to get ready.

Edited by Caseman
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MARK 8 : 38 "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

"And He said, "I say to you, Peter, the cock will not crow today until you have denied three times that you know Me . .


Since I've not been baptized, yet I believe strongly in my heart, and know I'm a sinner.... this is why I worry.

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Sir Isaac Newton was a devout Christian. Our world would be much different without his ground-breaking work. He created calculus, and is the father of modern physics. Without his work there would have been no Einstein. Interestingly, Newton calculated that the end of time would not arrive before 2060. So you all have a little time to get ready.


Leibniz might disagree with you. Check out the movie-documentary E=MC². If you haven't seen it, and you love science, buy a copy or find a DIVX site.




Apparently, Ike got the force equation E=MV wrong, and Leibniz provided the correction, E=MV². Check out the page on Émilie du Châtelet, who was the one who demonstrated that it was the square of the speed. One really smart human, her translation of Ike's Principia Mathematica is the French standard.



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MARK 8 : 38 "Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
"And He said, "I say to you, Peter, the cock will not crow today until you have denied three times that you know Me . .


Since I've not been baptized, yet I believe strongly in my heart, and know I'm a sinner.... this is why I worry.

And One night I wrote this...


I am not a smart man,

I'm middle aged and Male.. Christian..NOT born again, whatever that is.... Lately here is what my mind tells me... GOD, gave man free will... I can do as I please. When I was young, it was my parents responsibility to teach me about GOD, had they not instilled that into me, I probably would not have the thoughts I do today. I might be worse than certain criminal's. Today my thoughts are that I and YOU and EVERYONE else, where known to GOD in heaven before the world was made. And I am here on this earth today as a learning experience. I am devoid of any recollection I had while in heaven, and When I return - I will have a name known only to me and to GOD.. is that NOT RIGHT? It is in the bible.


This is a learning experience while I am here... my free will allows me to go whichever way/however I want. Now when I return to heaven, I will be asked what did I do while here on Earth? And their is nothing GOD does not know that I have done, he knows when each sparrow falls from the sky. You know what.. I am not a smart man.. I would like to cover all the base's and I would like to enter into a gentle kingdom for eternity. Even man before the Egyptians had a feeling about a higher power.. so I do not discount the existence of a GOD. EVERY Child enters into heaven, no if's and's or but's... Good, Today I just try to do the next right thing, today I also said thing's I shouldn't, and today I am but a child of GOD. As a parent, will GOD/YOU turn your back on your child? I am sorry to bring this into this.. .. I do not have answers....

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Critic, no one is too dumb to go to Heaven or too smart to go to hell.


You will not go to Heaven simply and only because you are a good person.


You will not go to hell simply and only because you commit sin.


Baptism is a "works" endeavor and The Bible in many places emphatically states that we are saved by Gods grace thru faith and not works. This being so that no one can boast of his good works for salvation as if he saved himself. The act of baptism is really a testimony to others that a person believed, accepted and confessed the saving grace of Jesus Christ AT the urging of the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit, not the water saves a person, but nevertheless there are some that believe in "baptism for the dead", that is it would be satisfactory for a living person to be baptized for a dead person that had not been baptized.


And then there are many millions that believed a living person can "buy" a dead person into heaven. Also their belief is that the virgin Mary "outranks" Jesus and that Mary was the mother of God and that the sacrifice of Jesus was not sufficient for the redemption of man's sin. The Bible clearly states in John 1-1 & 2 that God and the Son (Word) co-existed forever ago.


Salvation is very simple, man has complicated it.

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And One night I wrote this...


I am not a smart man,

I'm middle aged and Male.. Christian..NOT born again, whatever that is.... Lately here is what my mind tells me... GOD, gave man free will... I can do as I please. When I was young, it was my parents responsibility to teach me about GOD, had they not instilled that into me, I probably would not have the thoughts I do today. I might be worse than certain criminal's. Today my thoughts are that I and YOU and EVERYONE else, where known to GOD in heaven before the world was made. And I am here on this earth today as a learning experience. I am devoid of any recollection I had while in heaven, and When I return - I will have a name known only to me and to GOD.. is that NOT RIGHT? It is in the bible.


This is a learning experience while I am here... my free will allows me to go whichever way/however I want. Now when I return to heaven, I will be asked what did I do while here on Earth? And their is nothing GOD does not know that I have done, he knows when each sparrow falls from the sky. You know what.. I am not a smart man.. I would like to cover all the base's and I would like to enter into a gentle kingdom for eternity. Even man before the Egyptians had a feeling about a higher power.. so I do not discount the existence of a GOD. EVERY Child enters into heaven, no if's and's or but's... Good, Today I just try to do the next right thing, today I also said thing's I shouldn't, and today I am but a child of GOD. As a parent, will GOD/YOU turn your back on your child? I am sorry to bring this into this.. .. I do not have answers....


Free will is not all it is cracked up to be so don't beat yourself up. Adam and Eve had free will and everyone since then is cursed into sin.


Baptism in water shows only your possible intentions and irrelevant to your salvation.

Baptism of the spirit is what it is about and you have little control as to how and when this occurs. The apostles were not even baptized in the spirit until near the end and they walked with Jesus.


Gods will, Gods time, Gods plan. You do not have to be saved today, tomorrow, or next week. Your concern on such a thing shows what path you are already on. You will sin. Children of God sin all the time. It is simply about have less and less of a desire for that sin as time goes by.


Peace and Blessings

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Nice going, macattak. Sorry to hear about the school bus tradgedy up in your area; thoughts and prayers for the ones involved.


Does your handle indicate McCain supporter. ;-)


I'm anxious to see how the Huckster ;-) does in Texas. I have a personal friend that is a retired pastor that told me that he knew Huck personally; that they had pastored in adjacent small towns in Ark. and the he was an outstandingly moral person.

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