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Cocheese last won the day on December 9 2011

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  1. I wonder why Clinton never resigned following the story breaking of his affair? Don't you think the timing is a litte odd?
  2. Unless there is a government forced affirmative action program in place
  3. Umm, what has changed? You might not be smart enough to notice, but the US Government has essentially stayed the same. Sure, call that a win, but the fact of the matter, it was a close race for the White House (something that is rare with an incumbent President), and the country is in all likelihood even more divided than they were 4 years ago. And with Obama telling voters to get “revenge” on Republicans in this election, I don’t see it softening up. Obama has no re-election to worry about. If he couldn’t compromise and work with both sides before, I doubt he’ll do it now. The question remains, how much does America have to fall before you realize you made a mistake? Furthermore, how does posts like this help get the nation out of the trouble it’s in? If you, and the rest of your ilk, not only on here, but across the interweb along with the MSM, have walked around gloating, while rubbing it in our faces. We are not the party of quit. We are not the party of feeling sorry for ourselves. We are not the party who stands down when we get pushed. You and those like you could have done a lot to bring the country back together, but instead you are trying to push it apart. The election on Tuesday did not solve anything. In fact, when you look at the numbers from the 2008, Obama lost ground. And hearing people say that he has no more elections to worry about, so he should just ram everything he wants through, scares me. His polices haven’t worked. Unemployment is greater now than it was when he started. And the debt. Dear Lord look at the debt. I don’t care who you try blaming it on. He wanted it, he’s got it. Now he has to fix it. But he has no plan on fixing it. The Liberal Media wants you to think Tuesday was a great day; it wasn’t. And unlike George Zimmerman or Libya, this is a story they will not be able to sweep under the rug when things start to go bad.
  4. Actually, I've been doing it for a while. However, your schoolyard whining is a little off. I haven't been calling you names, I've been calling you out. Don't say stupid things, and you won't get called stupid. You've insulted the Mod of this board, and then wonder why he won't back you. Again, it's a pretty stupid thing to do
  5. By not refuting his point, you proved you can't respond and that he is spot on. And you might want to care what we think, after all we elected a leader who has kept us out of the shit you're guy drove you full speed into
  6. I love that your life is so empty, that the first thought you had was to log on to BON and start another new thread and dedicate it to me. It shows how much I’ve gotten to you, and how you are struggling to deal with it. Tell me dad, did your kids decide abandon you because of your obsession of me, or did this obsession happen after your kids left you? How about you keep an eye on the scoreboard that reports your National debt? You wanted this mess, you’re gonna get it. Good luck. Elections have consequences. And judging by the Dow drop, those consequences have started to begin BTW, dad who is Obama going to blame now for his failures? Is it still Bush’s fault, or is he going to be a leader and take responsibility for it?
  7. He believes Romney got his "ass kicked" even though he had the best showing for a guy challenging an incumbant. You just can't fix stupid, and Obama would have it no other way
  8. This has been happening in the Province of Quebec for some time with their language laws. I don't know the exact details, but once a company reaches 50 employees, the law kicks in. Companies just stop growing once they hit 49
  9. Cut him some slack. He knew that if the country decided to fix itself on Tuesday, he wouldn't have been able to post here anymore, since he would have run away and hide like the coward he is
  10. Yeah, there's no room for talk like this here. Enough, Cocheese.
  11. Most likely yes. But not as rough as the next 4 years are going to be for you. You gave a proven failure another chance. My predictions in 2008 were correct. And my predictions in 2012 will happen as well. You got what you wanted; now let’s see if you will end up liking it. You just re-elected an anti-business, anti-success, anti-wealth, anti-transparency, anti-white, and most importantly, an anti-America candidate. A candidate that couldn’t come up with one thing from the previous 4 years to hang his hat on. You think it’s going to get better? $20 trillion in debt and no end in sight. 40 million on food stamps and no end in sight. A devastating amount of people out of work and no end in sight. If this is what he did in 4 years, I hate to see what he can do in 8. “The best is yet to come”?!?!?! If you’re not scared at what that might entail, you should be. Why Americans want to change what made them the best country on the planet is beyond me. You had a chance to fix it, and instead you dug yourself deeper. Good luck. The voters have spoken, and unlike Liberals who don’t like election results, I won’t demand a re-count, a Supreme Court investigation, or a recall. It is what it is. Tell me, are you naive enough to believe that if Romney won on Tuesday there wouldn’t have been wide scale riots? So why is it our reaction is far better than yours, yet you still want to paint us as the problem with the country? I am wondering though if now that there are no more elections, will there be an investigation into Libya? Will Obama finally come clean with his sealed records? Why not? PS, you never adressed the points I made about the tax laws or the class welfare
  12. I'd be willing to wager Eric Holder will have no problem prosecuting the Navy SEALs who show up, but not "his people" in the Black Party
  13. Considering the amount of videos on You Tube that show admitted Obama supporters not having a clue what Obama's platform is, or who is runningmate is, I don't think you should try and pick this fight. As far as I'm concerned, all as this story says is that people in Kentucky are trying to get information about the election. Whish is more than I can say for the 98% of blacks who will voted based upon race, and not the issues. Or the other minions that will vote for Obama, without ever having read anything other than the DaliyKos. Nice try dad, but you failed again. Loser
  14. That's a crock and you know it. Or at least you should. Romney didn't write the tax code, or do anything to prevent it from being re-written. The IRS says he's playing within the rules, so what he has done should be a non-issue His father wasn't in the midst of a class welfare fight with the other side. As long as the IRS says the returns are fine, there should be no issue Michael Moore says he's part of the 99% despite his net worth proving he's not. Yet the sheep lap it up. Obama's wealth, and how he gained it, has never been brought up. The MSM attack Ann Romney for wearing expensive clothes, then call Michelle Obama a tread setter for wearing pricer items. Trust me, I'd be willing to wager money that the most hardened Obama supporters think that he's in the 99%. Aren't you a lawyer? What would you say if a DA who you knew was out to find guilt on your client wanted to go through all of his personal belongings? Obama tried to make this election about class warfare. The "ammunition" Ann Romney was talking about was their considerable wealth. Is this within the tax codes of the IRS? If yes, then what does it matter? Oh yeah, class warfare. Are these investments legal? Would it be safe to assume there are prominent Liberals who have the same investments? If yes, then what does it matter? Oh yeah, class warfare. Was this a legal thing in the US? If yes, then what does it matter? Oh yeah, class warfare. PS, aren't there some heavy hitting Liberals who have failed to pay their taxes? Or is not paying their taxes only a bad thing if they have an R at the end of their name Again, I have no idea why this is an issue. Oh yes, the Left tried painting Bain as this horrible company. DId Bain do anything illegal? If not If not, then what does it matter? Oh yeah, class warfare. Are his deductions on the up and up? If so, then what does it matter? Oh yeah, class warfare.
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