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The 551 is Rollin in the Dough (dues)


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I agree completely, fuzzy. If you don`t fit the sheep skin, they`ll do their best at running you around till you fit in.


It`s duly noted your reference to the "T" name.... fuzzy`s name will be put on the list of member`s that still have the capacity to think for them selves..... ;)

oh geez, paint a target on my back why don't you!
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Local 551`s LM-2 for 2016 is posted on line. Local 551's DoL file number is 041-323.


Recording Sec. - $72,618.00

Financial Sec. - $87,881.00


Let`s see…. 55 hours a week at $29.33 an hour (an old long hair`s rate) is $1613.15 a week. (50 hour week generates 5 hours OT) 48 weeks at $1613.15 is $77,431.20 a year. (AWS is a 4 day schedule, for production right?) (that`s 12.5 hours a day on a 4 day, AWS....right?)

$87,881.00 as reported to the DoL, is over $10,000.00 more than for a 55 hour week. (on an AWS schedule?)


In the IUAW Administrative Letter Volume #50 letter #3 it states.


"NOTE: if the compensation package is not articulated in the bylaws then payments may not exceed basic lost time."


Our bylaws state:


"The local union shall have a part-time Financial Secretary - Treasurer. The Financial Secretary - Treasurer shall be paid lost time at his or her plant classification plus the cost of living allowance."


See any "articulation" on AWS? See any "articulation" on overtime?


So if we read the articulated message in the "NOTE" in the IUAW Administration Letter above.... "may not exceed basic lost time". One has to ask $87,881.00?


Then there is the $72,618.00 in lost time?


Could someone point out where it is articulated in our bylaws that the position of Recording Secretary is required to be at the hall 3 days a week and where it is articulate that the position of Recording Secretary is to be paid lost time for being at the hall 3 days a week. Did anyone find where it is articulated that this lost time shall be paid at what rate per hour or the length of hours?


WHAT….. no articulation at all….?

(in the same IUAW Administrative Letter it states "REMEMBER: If the local union bylaws do not list it, the local union should not pay for it.")


Hmmm maybe our all-knowing guru can start his answers to these and other questions, that may come up, based on the 2016 LM-2 report with…… "I Feel"?

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To help slow down some of the text message questions....a little.


As reported on Schedules 18 - General Overhead and Schedule 19 - Union Administration of 2016 LM-2.


Attorney`s Fee`s:


Katz - $32,448.00


Bizzieri - $8,900.00


Special Events :


Six Flag`s - $48,905.00


Compass Rose Events Inc. - $94,672.00


St. Archangel Michael Social Center - $33,081.00


Can anyone remember how $12,000.00 or so in legal fee`s generated charges of misrepresentation by one member against a past elected member?


Did the membership ever think about how much it would cost to produce a verdict of "unfounded" by a trial committee? Legal fee`s $8900.00 not counting lost time for members of the committee`s.


$4.1 million was deducted from the membership`s checks in 2016. (item #49, page 4 - Total Receipts $4,124,910.00)

$4.5 million was spent for and on behalf of the membership. (item #68, page 4 - Total Disbursements $4,581,727.00)


Over spent for and on behalf of the membership --- "$456,817.00".

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Hmmmmm $130,000.00.....?


Someone copied checks? Someone cashed copied checks? Bank processed copied checks? Bank gave local $130,000.00?


Was this mentioned in the short and very vague report on the second yearly audit? Was the missing $130,000.00 caught by the bank or the local?


Monthly financial reports didn`t list the missing $130,000.00 until it appeared as a bank transfer to the general fund?


The reply to questions about this situation ($130,000.00 lost and found) was "I can`t answer questions about the situation because it`s under investigation".


Under investigation? But the bank gave $130,000.00 before the investigation had concluded?


Hmmmm $130,000.00?

On one occasion back some years ago an elected member borrowed some union money. Placed it in the elected members personal account. Then when the mortgage was approved the elected member transferred the union money back to the general fund.... Not a loan? No money missing? All back snug in the general fund....


Again???? no way... right?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Text message after text message..... question after question....


Nope, what went on yesterday wasn`t according to the bylaws or the constitution.


No bylaws committee considerations even read, much less any positive or negative possibilities discussed. No Chair or Co Chair of the bylaws committee even there to give their committee`s consensus.


Voting on amendments that were read at a prior meeting and not voted on at the prior meeting?


How was the amendments past that did get voted on? It takes a two thirds majority of the membership present to pass any amendment, how is a majority determined with a yeah or nay vote? No splitting of the house? No showing of hands? No Sargent at Arms counting anything?


Why didn`t a member question the proceedings at the meeting? Why didn`t a member ask their President a question or two?


I will try to answer one question by just stating my opinion...


A Financial Secretary, a Recording Secretary and any member receiving lost time that is not specifically stated in the bylaws is ---------. "fill in the blank"



Ahhh all the questions after the general membership meeting.


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Not only do our group leaders willingly and happily give out the frequent potty breaks but, have as their number one priority over everything else, as the giving up all those dam potty breaks......


Hell sending someone on a potty break is no ware near as cool as sending a local president to the beaches of Braaaazil on the memberships dime....union business :spiteful:

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I've been asked to give a summary of events by some members. So what I can do is post the correspondence I've had with the DoL. (Department of Labor)

February 2016
After being asked by numerous members, why our financial secretary does have to report to the plant one day a week like all of the previous financial secretaries? I went to the hall to talked with the financial secretary. After asking how the financial secretary`s schedule had changed the financial secretary stated,
"after having issues with a member of management on the one day I was reporting to the plant, I went to labor relations and now I don`t have to report to the plant at all."
My rely to the financial secretary`s explanation of his schedule change was, the bylaws have not been changed so how could your schedule change? The financial secretary responded to my statement with, "the President can`t get the bylaws committee to do much of anything". Then the financial secretary stated, he didn`t think it would be much of an issue, changing his schedule.
I asked one last question, do you agree that the way you are receiving lost time payments is not in the bylaws? The financial secretary stated, "yes".

April 2016:
In another discussion with the financial secretary about the continued paying of lost time payments that are not in the bylaws, the financial secretary stated he had more than enough work to off set all of the lost time payments he receives.
In this same month I asked for and got a meeting with the Financial secretary and the local`s president. In this meeting both the financial secretary and the president agreed that the way the financial secretary is receiving lost time payments is not in the bylaws and both agreed the bylaws should be changed to allow for the financial secretary`s new lost time payments. Both gave the reason for no changes in the bylaws as, "the committee will not work on making the changes".
At this same meeting I said I`ve become aware that the recording secretary is also working at the hall on a full time basis and also receiving lost time payments for this work. Both the president and the financial secretary stated that the E-Board decided to have the recording secretary do work at the hall and receive lost time payments to manage or administer grievances.
Again I asked, have the bylaws been changed to authorize the payments of lost time to the recording secretary for doing this work? Have the bylaws been changed to show a change in the duties listed in the bylaws for the recording secretary? How are these lost time payments being paid without written authority in the bylaws?
Both the president and the financial secretary stated they tried to get the bylaws changed, but just couldn`t get any changes. Both admitted that they thought having the E-Board pass a motion to have the recording secretary work at the hall, doing these new duties, that it would not require a bylaws change.
A question that I asked of the financial secretary at a prior meeting, I asked again with the president, why are you both paying and continuing to pay lost time payments that are not spelled out in the bylaws? Even after it has been brought to your attention and after both of you agreed it`s not a proper payment of lost time according to the bylaws but, the recording secretary draws up vouchers and signs them so as to have the financial secretary draw checks on the local treasury and then the president and financial secretary sign the checks, why?

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June 2016

After multiple discussions with the president, financial secretary and recording secretary I realized that the lost time payments that are not in the bylaws continued to be paid. I decided to seek a meeting with the E-Board prior to the E-Board meeting.

My request was granted, so at this meeting with the E-Board I not only put forth all my documented concerns and pointed out the different bylaws language backing my concerns, I also referenced the IUAW Education Departments Guide for Drafting Local Union Bylaws. In this guide I referenced the administrative letter volume no. 50 letter #3 and its directions on how to pay, what to pay and who should be paid lost time pay by the local.
At the meeting I spelled out that there are multiple members of the E-Board that are participating in the wrongful payments of lost time. I pointed out that it takes multiple signatures on each check. I pointed out that a voucher has to be produced and signed prior to the checks being produced. With getting outward resistance and stress filled attitudes, I had to point out to the Vice President and the Chair of the Trustee`s that they are just as involved for these reasons, the VP sits in for the president and signs checks and the chair of the trustee`s sits in for the financial secretary along with preforming the semi annual audits of the locals finances.

I also pointed out that no where in our bylaws does it articulate anything about the paying of "wages" to any member if there is no loss of compensation from the members employer. I read from the bylaws that described the two requirements to receive lost time payments from the local. After reading these requirements "a member has to be preforming official union business and losing pay from their employer at the same time of preforming official union duties to receive lost time payments", I stated "how did a trustee receive wages while doing a semi annual audit on their RDO?" No response.

March 2017:
Since these multiple discussions and addressing the E-Board on the paying of lost time that is not in the bylaws, this is a general listing of the continuing and new financial based concerns.

1. Both the financial secretary and recording secretary continue to receive lost time payments that are not articulated in the bylaws.
2. Trustee`s have received lost time payments that are categorized in Roberts Custom Software as "wages" and the reason given is they are on an AWS schedule and could not show any loss in pay from their employer for the same time they worked at the hall.
3. The Vice President expressed to Trail Committee members that are on the AWS schedule, they would not receive lost time payments during the trial or deliberation because these members could not show lost pay from their employer, on their RDO`s.
4. Members have been paid lost time payments, from the local, on the same day these same members have received vacation pay from their employer.
5. March 2017 Financial Report lists a $130,000.00 receipt to the general fund. Listed on the report as - $130,000.00 trans from comm account to comm account. This same report lists a $130,000.00 expense. The $130,000.00 expense is listed as - $130,00.00 trans from comm account to comm account. The financial secretary stated someone copied some of our checks and the bank then reimbursed the local the $130,000.00.
6. No mention of any loss of checks or assets in the semi annual audit reading.
7. Our LM-2 doesn`t reflect any loss of assets or recovery of assets.
8. Our LM-2 lists a sizeable increase in the amount the recording secretary received as lost time payments from 2015 to 2016.

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This is really getting to be typical here at the 551.....


Let`s form an amalgamated local, you know the more members the stronger "we" are.... power to the people and all that happy shit.


How many units does the 551 have? 3 or 4? Lets see do these units have bylaws? Do these units have voice and vote in proportionate to other units on the e-board? Are these units in control of a portion of the dues they pay?


Now lets get something clear I`m completely with the more members and the thought of it making us stronger but... here at the 551 it really seems that units are getting the short end of the stick as members of the local.


No, bylaws. No, voice or vote on the e-board. No, control of one dollar of dues paid to the local by the unit.


Then when it comes to voting on the units contract with their employers lets see? Cut up some paper in little squares hand the pieces of paper out to the unit members (by the local president, financial secretary and recording secretary) and told to put a "yes" or "no" on the paper. !!!!contract passes!!!!


Hmmm equality for all :hat_tip:

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A little up date to the 551 ratification voting process given to our TDM and Team Solutions unit members.


No postings expressing when and where the little pieces of paper will be handed out. Any mention of the time or place for passing out the little pieces of paper at TDM or Team Solutions unit meetings?


Wait a minute scratch that, do these units even have unit meetings.....?


Ahhhhh equality.... solidarity..... fairness Contract passes by one vote.... welcome units of the amalgamated 551, after a while it doesn`t hurt as much. You`ll get use to it :spiteful:

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  • 2 weeks later...

A little off the subject of this thread. But, there is a lot of talk, chit chat, discussion and the ever present rumors about the reduction of working RDO`s and the daily over line time or O/T.


We all have heard the one that starts out with "It`s the new assistant plant manager" he wants to make a name for himself or he was sent here to get rid of all O/T.....


Then there`s the tired old rumor "they are reducing hour`s before they lay off 20% of the worlds work force" or they are going to lay off the C crew or the orders have dropped so much that they just don`t need this many people.....


Then there is the ever popular finger pointing, "if those guys didn`t do what they do" or "if they didn`t work through lunch" or " (insert whichever crew you`d like A,B,C) if the blank crew wasn`t going along with them and doing more than the blank crew has toooo"... we`d have our RDO work back.


Welp.... I`ll do a little finger point too. Put whoever you`d like right there in front of this finger pointing that you would feel best suits that spot. Here goes.


To make this less complicated lets just say, Ford needs to complete 10 units per crew.


On each of the three crews those ten units go by every work station in the plant and the work is done to add to each unit what it needs to make it roll off the line under its own power. Each crew member on all three crews is paid an agreed amount to do the work at their work station to add the parts to each of those 10 units everyday. Ford gets the agreed on 30 units per day. The crew members get the agreed on pay for those 10 units that pass by their work stations on every crew. Everyone is happy :love_shower:


Then comes the orders, Ford starts sweating just thinking about how will they fill these orders that are over the agreed on 30 units a day. :idea: The three crews are completing their agreed on 10 units per crew. But our orders are now at 33 units a day and going up. First its not hard at all, Ford has the magic abilities to get ten percent over the agreed 30 units a day. I mean really what is one unit extra per crew? No one will ever know. The crew members are to busy completing their 10 units, talking to fellow crew members, blue toothin their girl friend in zone C, figuring out their FMLA paperwork and finding out who`s calling for pizza. The process coaches are putting in pay hours for the crew members, looking at e-bay on their computer, talking about the one who just got an LL6, figuring out how to get up to the office before the vender`s pizza gets cold, checking the board to make sure they`ll make 5 units before lunch and talking about why she got to be a senior process coach...Three extra units a day. No one is the wiser. No one is hurt by the ten percent line speed increase.


Then Ford starts thinking, :idea: the orders are coming very strong and we can get ten percent over the agreed on 30 units a day without any increase in cost. No time and a half, no extra benefits... ooooo free labor. Hmmmm If the line can do ten percent over the agreed on rate and none of them (<--- yes it`s us and them) even noticed... why not fifteen percent? or twenty or twenty five????


Now at one extra unit a crew, three units a day, that puts 30 units extra every ten days in the bank. Yep, 30 units extra every ten days, that`s one full day of agreed on build units (30) free of all that pesky labor cost, no added hourly wages, no double time, no added hourly benefits, 30 units completely labor cost free. Nice....

Whats the old saying about gettin the milk for free?


Let`s not forget this is just a figment of the imagination of some old long hair. Ford would never, ever, try to get their milk for free.... besides we have the bessstest dairy farmers (IUAW) watching over the herd....


Ok...OK...OK!!!!! let the finger pointing beginnnnnn :spiteful:

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Members of the 551 there is a new service that is being provided to you.


This service is not on the 551 web site... noooo? This service is not for all members...noooo?


This service is one of a clandestine type of service....whaaaa?


First .... this service is for those close to certain elected 551 members. Second .....this service benefits are for those members that have had one day, three days, a week or more discipline for that pesky attendance problem. Third ....a member has to know the secret phone number to call to attain this service.


SHHHH The service provides a means in attaining excused time off SHHHH


If a member is running low on Personnel Business or Vacation Time and finds it still hard to have someone else to fill out their FMLA paperwork.... no problem!!!!!


Just call 773-646-1472 and when the recording secretary answers, use your very low tone voice to ask for the almighty "U" code wizzzz. When the U code wizzzz asks a few question and you pledge your highest authority you will be granted "EXCUSED TIME OFF" without a care in the world or even making a trip to see those smiling faces in LRO.


Now the members can take their freshly granted "U" code and dance the night away... :spiteful:


Ahhh the benefits of having elected officials that know how to serve the few, the proud, the ones with better things to do than come to work....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got the phone call today from the labor department investigator. She stated that the director was sending me a letter in response to my inquiry about the possible unauthorized and over payment of lost time by my elected officers.


She then said she could e-mail me a copy of the letter later today if I`d not received the letter in the mail. I said please do.


I`ll post a copy of it in the near future. :waiting:

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I will scan the full letter from the U.S. Department of Labor District Director Purcell but, for now I`ll post two answers given to two questions I had.


My first question;

Even without getting a response from the Regional UAW Officials, should I send my financial concerns to the IUAW?


The Directors response to my first question;

I am writing in response to your email messages of April 30, 2017, May 02, 2017 and June 20, 2017, sent to Investigator McDaniel of my staff in which you allege that current United Autoworkers (UAW) Local 551 union officers are not following the Local`s bylaws, with resect to the payment of lost time. In my discussions with investigator McDaniel concerning your email messages, I understand that you have also expressed these concerns with UAW International union and I encourage you to continue to do so.


My second question;

With the information I have provided will there be an investigation?


The Directors response to my second question;

As it appears your emails address lost time payments, a financial issue, therefore your concerns may fall under the LMRDA Title V Safeguards for Labor Organizations. However it is not the practice of our Agency to confirm or deny the existence of an investigation. Title VI Section 601 (a) provides the Secretary with the authority to investigate labor organizations covered by the LMRDA.


The Director closed his letter with;

Thank you for the information you provided; it will remain on file for reference. If you have additional information, please forward it to the attention of me or Investigator McDaniel.


Hmmm I`m still wondering if there is an investigation???

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was putting the letter together to send to our international leaders. As suggested by the Chicago District DoL Director.


I had a complete explanation of how our local is paying lost time to elected members and paying members lost time without losing any pay from Ford. In some cases paying lost time at the same time Ford paid members vacation pay or personal business pay. In the I explained that our by-laws has nothing in the language about the hours our local financial secretary or recording secretary are receiving. Pointed out that no where does it state a member can receive lost time at the same time as receiving any kind of pay from Ford.


I thought I may actually see some action taken in the correct way of paying the memberships dues money as lost time....... then I see this....


Feds: UAW, FCA exec`s were in cahoots in multimillion dollar scam that funded trips, cars....etc....



Hello Department of Labor..... lets see do you think sending a letter to the "cahooters" is really going to change anything at the local level scammers??? :doh:


A big old golden parachute? maybe for Jimmy`s retirement party....... wait Jimmy doesn`t know about any trips or new cars sitting in the driveway :lol2:

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  • 1 month later...

Well.... its taken the old long hair way to long but I`ve put together the letter to our International Financial Secretary as I was instructed to do by the director of the Chicago branch of the Department of Labor.


I listed the same items I sent the DoL that show how our local is paying elected members and non elected members lost time pay that is not listed in the local bylaws. But, I`m not going to hold my breath until some action or even a response is made because......


The membership of Local 551 is going to give $100,000.00 to Region 4. Yes... to help the other members of our region ( :salute:) for sure....


Hmmm $100,000.00 no wonder our local financial secretary is telling some insiders he is going to be the next regional auditor. Ahhh the pay to play. (much easier if you don`t have to use your own money) Really.... IUAW going to say or respond to anything about our local paying lost time that's not listed in the local bylaws? while the check writing is in progress? :lol2: sorry but I don`t think anything will become of all the data and proof of the double dipping, extra lost time and ghost payroll will mean anything when $100,000.00 checks are floated to the regional decision makers.


What next... a $100,000.00 check for Big Jimmy`s retirement fund? :spiteful:


I`ll post any response I get from those on the receiving end of the 551 memberships gracious, thoughtful and ever so caring $100000.00 gift.



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for_what, you are so right.


Speaking of being sold out, this contract is a great example. Two 3% percent hourly increases that makes two hourly increases in about 14 years. Then the real tricky part, we get a lump sum based on our gross earning from Sept 2015 to Sept 2016. Then we get one of the 3% hourly increases in Sept 2017 that starts paying the 3% increase from the 17th of Sept. 2017 on. So that means no lump or hourly increase for the hours worked from Sept 2016 to Sept 2017.... what a deal the IUAW sold our labor for another year for no increase at all. (like the other 14) :thumbsup:


Remember this? It`s the best we could get.... You should be thankful you have a job.... Since the signing Ford has made better than $20 billion in profit in two years and on the way to $30 plus billion by the end of the third year of this soooper doooper contract. Dam!!!!! we sure are doing a great job helping Ford stay in business.


Lets not forget that the "2" tiers was going to create jobs, (how many jobs will 4 tiers make?) AWS was going to promote family time and those retiree`s got it so good they didn`t need any help with co pays....


I wonder how things are going at the Ford Departments Fun Center (IUAW/Ford Training Center) is going? Any trips, special assignments or new cars in the drive way....?


One thing I remember is that some of the locals that went for this thing Jimmy was selling like a door to door driveway sealant crew, are really using those lay off benefits..... but hey thanks Jimmy for not giving away those SUB credits.

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