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Ford doing anything for Superbowl?

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I did hear some negative comments on the tube about the Audi piece in particular. My 44 years in industry says to me the ladies don't need anymore help-certainly not to the degree Audi would lead you to believe-unless its in a union hall. As for corporate America? Forget about it. They are there IMO.

My problem with the Audi commercial wasn't so much its preachiness about wage inequality as that it was conflating value in the marketplace with value as a human being, which are completely unrelated topics. This is getting a bit far afield, so I'll just leave it at that.

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What it boils down to is how much experience a woman has and if she's taken a break from working to have kids (which is nothing wrong with that) but to expect making the same amount of money as someone who has 20 years experience vs your 10-15 years (due to break in taking care of kids), is crazy.


Bingo. I hate it when statistics are used to make a conclusion about causation and bias without all the relevant facts. It depends on the title, position, skill level and experience. In my company we have a significant percentage of female managers, directors and VPs. I find it laughable to think they're making less than their male counterparts.


But you can't compare different jobs such as daycare workers who are predominantly female with relatively low pay with construction workers who are predominately male with higher pay. And I'm sure a male daycare worker may actually make less because he doesn't have as much experience.

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What it boils down to is how much experience a woman has and if she's taken a break from working to have kids (which is nothing wrong with that) but to expect making the same amount of money as someone who has 20 years experience vs your 10-15 years (due to break in taking care of kids), is crazy.

I thought the exact same thing when the Audi commercial was on during the Super Bowl. If people would put the statistics into context, they would see what they really mean. Statistics don't lie but liars use statistics.


Thomas Sowell explained male/female wage gap back in the 1970s. There is a video on Youtube of him responding to a question about wage gap between male/female and black/white. I almost felt sorry for the lady asking him questions.

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Best and shortest definition of ...Statistics 101...How to Lie With Numbers

When I took "Quantitative Methods" (statistics taught by someone who used numbers as a tool of his trade rather than a mathematical abstraction) in college, one of our required texts was How To Lie With Statistics by Darrell Huff. I would say that book is an invaluable read, but it's mostly just annoying, as it casts the innumeracy of most Americans into sharp relief...

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