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Chicago Assembly Plant

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Look at the front page of every major newspaper and all networks and what have we been blessed to see as CAP workers? That the UAW leadership at CAP wasn't under the impression that the laws applied to them. At CAP we have been told it was a lie, rumor, many on high paying appointed jobs going with the party line to keep the gravy train rolling. Launch has been a prime example, the 16 Explorer launch has been like our plant you can hear the proverbial fat lady singing. Our for now not fired Chairman is not allowed on the floor but is being paid, ya your right Decker we should be all good. Let's all just keep saying it and keep the 7x12's rolling.

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All politic`s and personal emotions aside..... CAP is totally fucked up.


I listened to management refer to the current model Taurus and MKS as 2016`s all day.... Nope they are still 2015`s. The same parts that were being used before the launch of the "2016 502`s" are being used now. BUT the 2015 parts are an issue?


Paint Department... is there one decision maker (all 3 of them) that has the slightest clue? Oh... but...have the off shift, assistant plant or whatever he`s called now, come on the radio and one of our decision makers will break the talk button off the radio to call out a stream of off the wall commands to do this and that, to 4 or 5 process coaches!!!!! of course this is to show just how in control this decision maker is. Really???


Body Shop... I feel for my sisters & brothers over there. They have this decision maker that lets say didn`t want to go to Body but.... being moved was part of his sentence and Body pays the price....? This decision makers is on his radio (a bunch of times) asking Paint why he`s blocked out at the hang? One call about his blockage was almost 2 hours into one of the many Final stoppages.... One was at 11:36am...? What time dose Body go to lunch?


OK...OK I now the "sky is falling" sheeps have already been rumoring all this sheep shit into a big sticky ball of the plant is closing... the plant is closing!!!! Sheep Shit


At this point I have to agree with these sheeppies... yep close this dam place!!!!


Then let the people that know what needs to be fixed, call on the people that can actually do the work of what needs to be fixed. In the mean time fill up a few dozen short buses with decision makers and all the decision maker helpers, ass lickers and any hourly people that just have to go for a short bus, ride because their tongues have been rubbing on way to many butt`s too. Then direct the bus drivers to go to the nearest intellectually challenged persons rehab center as fast as the buses will go. (safely of course)


In the mean time head to any Chicago Vocational High School ask the students for their help. Let them brain storm a little while then turn them loose. (The New Decision Makers) All this during a two week down time. Then when the doors open on the New CAP turn the big neon sign on at the entrance that states "You are Accountable for your Actions" while handing out a flier stating (not some vote for me bullshit) the first time Little Janey or Little Johny screw up that`s OK kids you got two more strikes but when you get to number three.... there aint no negotiating or the selling out of any other persons ass, gunna help your asses. Game players BEWARE.....


SHIT!!!! NEVER MIND..... CAP is only going to be down for a week. SHIT!!!!


One week again.. looks like the decision makers will be sending out for those real big band aids to give to those that can fix whats wrong and then two hours after the start up, the shit starts breaking down and the decision maker will have all the questions their good for WHAT,WHY, and WHAAAAA??? What else are decision makers good for, anyway.


The new decision maker will be on summer break.(shit) But... their are still a lot of people that would love to take a short bus, ride. Licking the windows to practice for the same old butt`s they love.


But in all seriousness, CAP is totally fucked up.



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If any CAP`ers are auto caravan'er then you may find my post insulting or write it off as just another non believer.


There was a site posted that carried a story about "36" people getting together in a church basement in Detroit. Activists as their commonly referred to in the story have had a bumpy road over the last 8 to 10 years. But they keep pushing and stating what sounds good to any members in general. They talk about what "we" need and what "we" should "fight" for. But in my humble opinion I'm not sure if their "sheep dogs" or "sheep herders"?

I can't reference facts about all 36 people at the meeting in the article but I have first hand experience with at least two caravan'ers.

The first I've had limited interaction with, Mr. Walkowicz the author of the handout that was passed out today at CAP. My first experience with Mr Walkowicz was at a constitutional convention. I listened to his speeches outside the convention and while I was sitting on the floor as a delegate. I heard and witnessed a forceful speaker going on and on about what "he" saw as short comings in the IUAW leadership. Most of his points were good and I tended to agree with but, there was something about him, his mannerisms and the way he portrayed his idea's....? After listening both on the convention floor and out side of the convention I realized that a question kept coming up? Good points, in general, but where were the well thought out plans for a solution? He had miles and miles of the "I" this and that. Along with more then a few, what "they" are doing wrong statements. Then it became clear that this charismatic speaker was just another individual with a "I" know the right thing and "I" know what's best but, "I" don't really have solutions, type of person.

I tend to see these types of activists as sheep herders in sheep dogs clothing. Just the view from these old eye's.

Then there is the other caravan'er that I have first hand experience with, the individual that was passing out the handout. Our resident "conservative, union activist" our very own 551 VP Mr Houldieson.

This Walkowicz disciple walks in the shadow of the great activist (as is proper) but tries so hard to bring the herd into line with the "I" know what's right and you don't, mindset that he's been successful enough to have the sheep herded into voting for him. So far one of the only successes, wait this sheep herder did state in the papers that tier 2 had ended at Lear, umm a little premature, so don't count that as a success.

This activist has been seen running from the rest room pulling up pants just to get to the most recent picket line he found out about. No matter what the cause.... "Stop it or we'll boycott" boycott what? I'm not sure but we'll boycott....

But, not only an activist but someone who herded (politically correct for bullshited) the sheep into putting him into office, he became the judge, jury and executioner of his style of truth honesty and the American way. The Houldieson way.

You may think the old long hair has some deep rooted opinion to grind here, well kinda.

Where should I start....?

How bout the time an election had to be postponed because our resident activist/elected official decided and stated "he" didn't think it was necessary to post an election announcement and voting schedule at the plant or the timing wasn't important either in "his" opinion. After a few members referenced the by-laws our resident activist had to let the election committee re schedule the election. (do their elected duties)

Then our resident activist tends to be in a very judgmental mindset at basically all times. This great activist of the people brought up charges against a past chairman for? As I recall at a general membership meeting, how our activist presented the charges. "I" (our activist) don't like that our local (nice he lets the membership think their apart of his local) is paying way to much in legal fee's. So "I" will bring charges against the chairman because the local attorneys are billing for the cases involving discharged members way to frequently.

Now after some time past and some members looking into the charges, these members then pointing out both due process and presenting past years of legal fee's... Our resident activist had the bad taste in his mouth from having to retract his charges.

Then there was the "I'm" the judge, jury, and of course the activist executioner mindset. When our all knowing resident disciple degreed charges against another member for mis appropriation. Did the activist use due process? Did the activist provide constitutional rights? Did the activist acquire a consensus of the local executive board? Did the activist think his charges were costing the union large sums of money? Did the activist understand anything about the democratic process of appeals? Did the resident activist even know what the PRB was? (No not Papst Blue Ribon)

HELLLL NOOOO our disciple that sits at the right hand of the all knowing ultimate activist doesn't have to be bothered with those man made laws. Got it sheeps?

That brings us to today. The disciple sitting at the right hand of the ultimate activist is passing out a letter from the one the only activist Mr. Walkowicz.

In the letter (que the harps and get the angels singing) it states everyone should be raised to $33 an hour. (Boy oh Boy the herd likes to read this type of sheep shit) But once again nothing other then that...no way or path to that $33.....

The last paragraph of the ultimate activists letter handed out here at CAP reads, "we have many things to "fight" for in this contract, good raises, improved pensions, better health care for retirees, better working conditions (get back our loss break time). But it is all based on the fight against 2 tiers. If we "fight" to end 2 tiers. We can "fight" together for everything that we ALL need."
Gary Walkowicz
Bargaining Committeeman, DTP
(313) 737-31** gwalk32@att.***

Dose anyone think these sheep herding activists really have a plan? Does anyone think if they were to become "by divine intervention of course" members of the IUAW negotiating team we would see them produce any of the claimed issues and become contractual language?

What is all this talk of "fight" this and "fight" them? Maybe Gary will call Scott and the air strikes will be coordinated before the boots hit the ground? You think?

Look closer, do you see any... any positive results from the ultimate activists? No?

Self centered, self righteous Sheep Herders in Sheep Dog clothes.

$33 an hour yeeeee haaaaa thank you Gary.
Oh and thank you right hand disciple you are always correct....

1 of the 1788

Edited by Decker, Today, 02:22 PM.

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20 percent of the Pl profit at Ford... U sure on ur figures there Decker? Don't be so sure Ford won't close cap. No one thought they would close Atlanta or Norfolk. Quality was good and high production. Ultimately that doesn't matter. Even profit doesn't when ur on the closing stick. Your arrogance is unimaginable

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I'm sure as an old arrogant long hair can be.

Q you do realize that the only time Ford hears the kaa ching of profit is when a completed unit makes a left turn off the money line. Right? Now don't get my arrogant old ass wrong when I say final assembly is where the money gets made... because every last part is very essential to making profit and I have total respect for all the members making what we put together but the unimaginable arrogant truth is LAP, KTP, MAP, CAP, FRAP, DTP, OAP and Oakville make the kaa ching by putting the donuts in the case....

Hey bert, been around for a while? You do realize that location and transport excess ability has a little to do with it right?

Dam that is a really cute logo you have there. You got that anonymous thing really workin too. Come on pull a chair up to the big kids table and try a big bowl of unimaginable arrogant stew, make sure you stir in a big serving of experience then it will taste so much better.


Q-bert are you a caravan`er?did my post irritate you?if so pull your big boy pants up and get over it.. Now that`s unimaginable arrogance :yahoo:

Your presumptions are unimaginably on the mark. :hysterical:


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I don't give a fuck Decker. Either way. No I ain't no caravan. I'm a fucking pixel. And I like bouncing on squares. What do u like doing Decker? Going under somewhere? Anyhow same issues Ford had with Norfolk and Atlanta are still there in cap. Maybe more so. It don't factor that much because if Ford wants it gone it's gone nothing u say on the internets pissed me off. U don't see me writing wall o txt tho.. Lmao keep caring cause I dont

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I don't give a fuck Decker. Either way. No I ain't no caravan. I'm a fucking pixel. And I like bouncing on squares. What do u like doing Decker? Going under somewhere? Anyhow same issues Ford had with Norfolk and Atlanta are still there in cap. Maybe more so. It don't factor that much because if Ford wants it gone it's gone nothing u say on the internets pissed me off. U don't see me writing wall o txt tho.. Lmao keep caring cause I dont

LMMFAO. Don't piss off dem crazy assed pixels Decker. You must not have seen the movie.

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LMMFAO. Don't piss off dem crazy assed pixels Decker. You must not have seen the movie.


Ummm.... let me try to understand.


You and the Q go to see cartoon`s? together? Bert, think`s he`s a real life cartoon character? Do you both have cartoon super powers? Has Bert, hid his lunch money from the big kids and went to Walmart and got him a cartoon character costume?


Nope, haven`t been to a cartoon movie in a while. Did see a good movie a while back, found out about sheep dogs. Really good movie.


Slippery you and the bert really UAW members? what plant? Really, cartoon super hero`s???


Hey.... bert is that thing your nose or your mouth? cute little logo :hysterical:



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Ummm.... let me try to understand.


You and the Q go to see cartoon`s? together? Bert, think`s he`s a real life cartoon character? Do you both have cartoon super powers? Has Bert, hid his lunch money from the big kids and went to Walmart and got him a cartoon character costume?


Nope, haven`t been to a cartoon movie in a while. Did see a good movie a while back, found out about sheep dogs. Really good movie.


Slippery you and the bert really UAW members? what plant? Really, cartoon super hero`s???


Hey.... bert is that thing your nose or your mouth? cute little logo :hysterical:



another wall o txt, good one

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listen up PECKER, if u was in my plant id slap you, under the new rules.



go watch dat movie then u will see

How is it done, a four year apprenticeship, an associates degree in the matrix or just years of on the grid trianing? How did you become a "fucking pixel"? Is that like a journeymen over just being a pixel? Are there stages with the amount of hours you apply to your pixelship? Is there higher levels of your pixelship, fucking pixel. grand fucking pixel or maybe group leader fucking pixel?


Do all fucking pixel`s have that coocheee thingy hanging out?



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It's the Ford UAW way.. Apprenticeship ofc. Lmao... Look maybe ur mom and dad didn't teach u the difference between male and female.. But here is a quickie lesson..... The thing hanging out is a big dick..... Not couchee. Must have stuck a nerve with ya to be all pissed off. Lmao when they close cap come on down so u can get bitch slapped.

Edited by Q-bert
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It's the Ford UAW way.. Apprenticeship ofc. Lmao... Look maybe ur mom and dad didn't teach u the difference between male and female.. But here is a quickie lesson..... The thing hanging out is a big dick..... Not couchee. Must have stuck a nerve with ya to be all pissed off. Lmao when they close cap come on down so u can get bitch slapped.


Naaa no nerve struck... just a big smile on my face :hysterical: you are so entertaining. No really :lol2:


So that thing hanging out under your eyes is a dick? Dam you fucking pixels are built different but, hey thats cool with me.



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It's the Ford UAW way.. Apprenticeship ofc. Lmao... Look maybe ur mom and dad didn't teach u the difference between male and female.. But here is a quickie lesson..... The thing hanging out is a big dick..... Not couchee. Must have stuck a nerve with ya to be all pissed off. Lmao when they close cap come on down so u can get bitch slapped.

So let me guess, you got lock jaw and they had to amputate the rest of your friend

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh Boy... Oh Boy....
A Tentative Agreement is coming.

Just a little food for though. CAP

1st year $28.48 @ .03 = .85 = $29.33
2nd year $29.33 @ .03 = .88 = $30.21
3rd year $30.21 @ .03 = .90 = $31.11
4th year $31.11 @ .03 = .93 = $32.04
5th year $32.04 @ .03 = .96 = $33.00

Just five years, not the full ten years of no increase, of 3 percent increases in my hourly rate would be a total of $4.52 an hour increase for a total hourly rate of $33.00.

This hourly rate increase would increase such benefits as your monthly pension benefit. Almost every benefit that a member receives is calculated with our hourly rate.

Being conservative and allowing for five bad years of earnings at Ford in the last ten year with no increase to our hourly rate then only five years of increases, the repair classified member would have went into this contract year with $33.00 an hour to start with.

Then consider that the last four years have generated record profits for Ford. It would have been nice to have our business agents sit down with not only the $4.52 under our belts and having the ability to sell the facts about the actual profits that the membership generated.

But once again nothing, I've looked and looked, absolutely nothing in any discussion about how Ford produced the record profits.

We've been under sold again. When will our business agents open their eyes to the business case facts, of what it takes to generate over twenty four billion in a span of four years. Stop and think about the numbers of units/parts that have to be generated, to then be sold, to realize over twenty four billion dollars left in the Ford checking account after everything has been paid for. I mean everything, medical coverage, hourly rates, over head costs, every trip that every management team member had to take and the yearly income of every elected and appointed local UAW rep at every facility Ford controls.... EVERYTHING. With a twenty four billion dollar balance just sittin there smiling.

Once again, our business agent sits at a table and gets told they need to help save more money to keep the business in business. Without ever saying anything about the productivity, efficiency or anything in the way of the cost efficiency already in place.

It's not only the production membership that generates the efficiency to produce more units than ever before in Ford Motor Company history. It also is in the aging facilities that has machinery that's been paid for time after time, that is now being kept running by the efficiency and the expertise of the trades membership. This never gets put out on the table as a chip to actually win our share of anything in the way of the profits.

So when we at Ford finally get word of the tentative agreement that is coming down from a pond high, stop and think just what the totals are that you have given back and the totals of hourly rates you never saw. Then do the math. I've lost a conservative amount of $4.52 an hour if I was to have got just five years of .03 increases in the last ten years. I gave up conservatively once again well over two dollars an hour in cost of living. Of which was diverted to the VEBA to help the VEBA`s under funding.

So when, "the best they could do" or the "balanced agreement" comes flowing by I don't think it will be roses the membership (that produced that twenty four plus billion dollars of profit) will be getting a wiff of....


Edited by Decker
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Are you saying a Ford UAW Tentative agreement is is coming soon?

Who knows when the offer wiil come, but when it does the company will get theirs the IUAW will get theirs (or they'll just take it out of your check) and they will throw you a bone or two, then they' ll be walking the floor telling you that you better vote yes because it's the best we're gonna be able to do!

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