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Workman Comp. Injuries


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Our HR is telling us: per contact, if you are injured on the job and have to have follow up Dr. visits or PT you will only be paid for half of the time off, for these visits. I can not find this in any books of the contract. Can anyone shed a light on this? Our chairman goes along with everything mgt. says.

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It is not "per contract". This agreement on 50/50 was made between HR and Int'l a few years ago and affects only those HVC's which do not have an onsite medical department. Has nothing to do with your Chairman or local management.....


Your state law may stipulate that the WC visits are to be paid, but many do not have this provision. Check.


Otherwise, put a resolution in for the next Contract to change this. Currently, there is no language which states that you have to be compensated for time spent for these follow up visits. It only states that the employee "will be compensated for the working time lost on the day in question".


Assembly, of course, is different being that they have onsite medical.


Your mileage to and from Doctor's visits and PT are reimbursed at .555/mile. Keep records.

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The best thing you could do is check the michigan.gov website and read everything regarding workers comp.


The workers comp rep will not volunteer any information that will benefit you. And, in my case, the benefits rep knew very little.


I made all my dr. and physical therapy appointments at the end of my shift so I would have to leave about half an hour early and still was paid. There is a form for mileage reimbursement that you should complete for all of your visits.


Also, if you were working overtime before your injury (any overtime over the last 52 weeks) and are not able to work overtime because of your injury, you would be entitled to a "partial wage loss." In fact, the partial wage loss applies to any circumstance when, because of your injury, your pay is reduced when you return to work.


Again, I found out all of this while I was sitting around bored during recovery. Good luck.

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